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EQUITY RESEARCH Page | 1 | PHILLIPCAPITAL HONGKONG RESEARCH 廣汽集團 (2238 HK) 新能源車正佔據愈加重要地位 香港 | 汽車製造 | 更新報告 13 January 2022 投資概要 公司簡介 廣汽集團現有主要業務包括研發、整車(汽車、摩托車)、零部件、商貿服務、金融、出行等業務,構成了完整的汽車產業鏈閉環。公司堅持“合資+自主”戰略,擁有廣汽本田、廣汽豐田、廣汽傳祺、廣汽埃安、廣汽菲克、廣汽三菱6大品牌及眾多暢銷車型,目前在國內市場佔有率8.1%,並在中高級轎車市占率第一。 晶片短缺影響合資品牌盈利,三季度業績下滑較大 2021年前三季度,廣汽集團實現營業收入555.17億元,同比增長28.64%,實現歸母淨利潤52.84億元,同比增長5.63%。單從第三季度來看,公司實現營業收入207.99億元,同比增長19.48%,歸母淨利潤9.47億元,同比下降64.71%。 第三季度收入大增主要因為自主品牌銷量較去年同期大幅改善(單季銷量10.59萬輛,同比增長7.14%)以及新能源積分獲得收入;淨利大幅下滑主要因投資收益17.81億元,同比下降49.81%,其中對聯營和合營企業投資收益16.76億元,同比下降50.94%,主要源自合資公司車型結構調整及晶片短缺導致廣汽豐田、廣汽本田銷量下挫、盈利下滑:受缺芯影響,第三季度廣本和廣豐的銷量分別同比下滑23.67%和25.30%,導致投資收益減少;其次,原材料大幅上漲,也影響了合資公司的盈利能力。 毛利率、費用率均有所提升 第三季度,公司的毛利率7.9%,同比提升3.1個百分點,環比提升0.5個百分點,主要因廣汽自主品牌毛利率提升導致。缺芯情況下,公司優先排產高毛利的熱銷車型,傳祺GS4、GS8、M8、M6和影豹銷量為6.20萬輛,占比為88.37%,同比擴大12.22個百分點,對毛利率的改善起到正面作用。 第三季度期間費用率11.8%,同比增長1.4個百分點,環比下滑1.4個百分點,其中管理費用率4.6%,同比提升1.6個百分點,主要是股權激勵費用攤銷所致;研發費用率1.1%,同比下滑0.3個百分點;銷售費用率5.9%,同比提升0.5個百分點,主要因廣告宣傳費及售後服務費增加;財務費用率0.2%,同比下滑0.5個百分點。 買入 (維持) 現價 HKD 7.5 (現價截至1月11日) 目標價 HKD 10.3 (+37%) 公司資料 普通股股東 (百萬股) : 10349 市值 (港幣百萬元) : 23240 52周 最高價/最低價 (港幣元) : 10.08 /6.1 主要股東 % 廣州汽車工業集團有限公司 50.36 股價 & HSI指數 Source: Aastock, Phillip Securities (HK) Research 財務資料 CNY mn FY20 FY21E FY22E FY23E Net Sales 63,157 73,418 84,793 97,406 Net Profit 5,964 8,375 10,241 10,192 EPS, CNY 0.58 0.61 0.90 1.22 P/E, x 10.9 10.4 7.0 5.2 BVPS, CNY 8.24 8.70 9.40 10.35 P/BV, x 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.6 DPS (CNY) 0.18 0.20 0.28 0.37 Div. Yield (%) 2.8% 3.2% 4.4% 5.9% Source: Company reports, Phillip Securities Est. 研究員 章晶 (+ 86 021-51699400-103) zhangjing@phillip.com.cn Page | 2 | PHILLIPCAPITAL HONGKONG RESEARCH GAC UPDATE REPORT 四季度兩田銷量逐漸改善,新能源車加速發力 最近的銷售資料顯示,四季度起,主要合資車企的銷量逐月改善,反映晶片短缺困境逐月緩解。10/11/12月,廣汽本田的銷量7.54/7.77/7.84萬輛,環比+4.7%/+3.04%/+0.9%,同比-13.94%/-9.97%/-3.5%; 廣汽豐田則分別實 現6.1/8.5/9.9萬輛的銷量,環比+26.29%/+39.34%/+15.9%,同比-15.3%/+9.82%/36.5%,復蘇態勢明顯。重點車型雅閣/繽智/雷淩/漢蘭達均錄得丌錯銷量。合資車企正開啟一輪強產品週期,並加速佈局新能源車型。隨著廣汽本田的INTEGRA/e:NP1,廣汽豐田的賽那/鋒蘭達/威颯/bZ4X的新車型陸續上市,盈利能力有望反彈。 自主品牌斱面,廣汽自主10/11/12月的銷量4.7/5.06/3.22萬輛,同比+25.4%/+24.7%/+2.2%,環比+29.8%/+6.8%/-9.6%,其中,傳祺影豹的銷量連續兩個月過萬,新能源品牌廣汽埃安終端需求火爆,發貨量僅次於特斯拉和比亞迪,連續八個月銷量超萬,搭載THS混動的全新第二代GS8於12月上市,擁有1000+km超強續航的Aion LX Plus預計今年初上市,2022年廣汽埃安有10萬新產能投產,有望進一步加大新能源車所占比重。近期廣汽埃安資產重組及增資斱案確定,將加快推進上市進程。未來埃安淨資產規模將超過百億元,並將具備完整的純電新能源研發能力、獨立生產工廠以及自有管道,資金和技術的累積和效率的提升,有助於廣汽埃安在新能源領域蓄能發展。 投資建議及估值 我們預計,電動智慧佈局提速的趨勢下,公司的日系合資品牌將繼續擴大優勢,自主品牌也有望打開成長空間。我們調整了公司2021/2022年的盈利預測(主要考慮到晶片短缺的負面影響),並引入2023年業績預測,調整目標價10.3港元,對應2021/2022/2023年1.0/0.9/0.8倍預期市淨率,14.2/9.6/7.1倍預期市盈率,維持買入評級。(現價截至1月11日) GAC’s quarterly net profit -1000010002000300040005000Q1Q2Q3Q420112012201320142015201620172018201920202021 Source: Wind, Phillip Securities Hong Kong Research mNpQoOtRoMyQmMtQrNzRsM6McM7NoMqQsQnPiNrRnMeRrQqM8OoPsMxNqQoPuOoOtM Page | 3 | PHILLIPCAPITAL HONGKONG RESEARCH GAC UPDATE REPORT GAC’s Forward P/E P/B Trend(Y+1) Source: Bloomberg, Phillip Securities Hong Kong Research Page | 4 | PHILLIPCAPITAL HONGKONG RESEARCH GAC UPDATE REPORT 財務資料 (現價截至1月11日) Page | 5 | PHILLIPCAPITAL HONGKONG RESEARCH GAC UPDATE REPORT PHILLIP RESEARCH STOCK SELECTION SYSTEMS We do not base our recommendations entirely on the above quantitative return bands. We consider qualitative factors like (but not limited to) a stock's risk reward profile, market sentiment, recent rate of share price appreciation, presence or absence of stock price catalysts, and speculative undertones surrounding the stock, before making our final recommendation GENERAL DISCLAIMER This publication is prepared by Phillip Securities (Hong Kong) Ltd (“Phillip Securities”). By receiving or reading this publication, you agree to be bound by the terms and limitations set out below. This publication shall not be reproduced in whole or in part, distributed or published by you for any purpose. Phillip Securities shall not be liable for any direct or consequential loss arising from any use of material contained in this publication. The information contained in this publication has been obtained from public sources which Phillip Securities has no reason to believe are unreliable and any analysis, forecasts, projections, expectations and opinions (collectively the “Research”) contained in this publication are based on such information and are expressions of belief only. Phillip Securities has not verified this information and no representation or warranty, express or implied, is made that such information or Research is accurate, complete or verified or should be relied upon as such. Any such information or Research contained in this publication is subject to change, and Phillip Securities shall not have any responsibility to maintain the information or Research made available or to supply any corrections, updates or releases in connection therewith. In no event will Phillip Securities be liable for any special, indirect, incidental or consequential damages which may be incurred f