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Positive Visions, Powerful Partnerships The Keys to Competing with China in a Post-Pandemic Indo-Pacific Stephen Tankel, Lisa Curtis, Joshua Fitt, and Coby GoldbergMARCH 2021 行业研究报告,服务于财经领域,整合发布高质量的财经相关领域精品资讯,提供各行业研究报告和干货。我们以微信公众号为基础,覆盖第三方平台为财经相关领域从业群体提供高质量的免费资讯信息服务。 我们的优势: 高质量的内容生产模式、多平台覆盖的整合营销服务、超百余万的高净值人群粉丝、专业、稳定的管理与团队。 旗下的矩阵号: 行业研究资本、行研资本、行研君、IPO智囊团、IPO最前沿、并购大讲堂、科创板的韭菜花、海外投资政策、海外置业政策、海外留学政策、海外留学、全球海外移民政策、番国志。 扫码关注公众号: 行研君 IPO最前沿 全球海外移民政策 报告索取请加:report08 商务合作请加:report998 About the AuthorsDr. Stephen Tankel is an Associate Professor at American University and an Adjunct Senior Fellow with the Center for a New American Security (CNAS) Indo-Pacific Security Program. He has served on the House Foreign Affairs Committee and in the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Policy. Tankel is the author of numerous works, including With Us and Against Us: How America’s Partners Help and Hinder the War on Terror.Lisa Curtis is the Senior Fellow and Director of the Indo-Pacific Security Program at CNAS. Curtis has over two decades of experience working for the U.S. government, including as Deputy Assistant to the President and National Security Council Senior Director for South and Central Asia from 2017–2021. Curtis also worked at the CIA, State Department, Senate Foreign Relations Committee, and as Senior Fellow for South Asia at the Heritage Foundation from 2006–2017.Joshua Fitt is a Research Associate with the Indo-Pacific Security Program at CNAS. He focuses on U.S. East Asian security strategy and specializes in Japanese and Korean Peninsular affairs. Before joining CNAS, Fitt was a campaign field organizer during the 2018 midterm elections in the Upper Midwest, an earthquake and tsunami disaster relief volunteer with IsraAID in Japan, and an intern with the Council on Foreign Relations’ Japan Program. He earned his BA in East Asian studies from Yale UniversityCoby Goldberg is an analyst with the Counterproliferation Program at the Center for Advanced Defense Studies. He was previously the Joseph S. Nye Intern with the Indo-Pacific Security Program at CNAS. He recently graduated summa cum laude and Phi Beta Kappa from Princeton University, with a BA in East Asian studies.About the Indo-Pacific Security ProgramThe CNAS Indo-Pacific Security Program addresses oppor-tunities and challenges for the United States in the region, with a growing focus on issues that originate in the In-do-Pacific but have global implications. It draws on a team with deep government and nongovernment expertise in regional studies, U.S. foreign policy, international security, and economic statecraft. The Indo-Pacific Security Program analyzes trends and generates practical and creative policy solutions around four main research priorities: U.S.-China strategic competition, India’s growing role in the Indo-Pa-cific, the North Korea threat, and American alliances and partnerships.AcknowledgmentsThis report was made possible by generous funding from the Government of Japan. The authors are grateful to the many officials and experts—both in the United States and elsewhere—who shared their perspectives during the course of the project. This report would not have been possible without assistance from a variety of current and former CNAS colleagues, including Melody Cook, Isha Dalal, Christopher Estep, Allison Francis, Kristine Lee, Maura McCarthy, Ely Ratner, and Emma Swislow. In addition, the authors would like to thank Zack Cooper, Elina Ribakova, and Rachel Ziemba for reviewing full drafts of this report. The views presented here are the authors’ alone and do not represent those of CNAS or any other organization. The authors are solely responsible for any errors in fact, analysis, or omission. TABLE OF CONTENTS01 Executive Summary02 Introduction05 Chapter One: The United States, China, and COVID-19 in the Indo-Pacific13 Chapter Two: The View from America’s Quad Partners 21 Chapter Three: Spotlight on COVID-19 in Southeast Asia 24 Chapter Four: Challenges, Opportunties, and Recommendations32 Conclusion INDO-PACIFIC SECURITY | MARCH 2021Positive Visions, Powerful Partnerships: The Keys to Competing with China in a Post-Pandemic Indo-Pacific1TExecutive Summaryhe United States was losing ground to China in the Indo-Pacific when the COVID-19 crisis began. China’s growing economic might, military mod-ernization, and aggressive diplomatic efforts were already eroding America’s competitive advantage and shifting the regional balance of power. A year after the virus first spread, it is possible to identify where the pandemic is affecting diplomatic, economic, and defense trends in ways that could accelerate declines for the United States, but also might create opportunities to reverse or mitigate some of them.Restoring U.S. alliances and partnerships in the Indo-Pacific is critical to competing effectively against China, and President Joe Biden has made this a top foreign policy priority. In partic