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THE ANNUAL REPORT 2022年度报告China Academy of Urban Planning & Design 中国城市规划设计研究院“一带一路”倡议下的全球城市GLOBAL CITIES IN THE VISION OF THE BELT AND ROAD INITIATIVETURMOIL AND REALIGNMENT动荡与重构 前言PREFACE2022 年,新冠肺炎疫情持续肆虐,俄乌冲突波及全球,能源危机愈演愈烈,全球化危机一波未平,一波又起。多重冲击下,全球交通联系动荡,产业链供应链破碎化,各国政府纷纷加大本土投资保障发展安全与韧性,全球城市陷入动荡之中,面临着不确定的挑战与机遇。在全球治理阵营对立风险日益增长、贸易壁垒不断推高的背景下,“一带一路”倡议倡导的包容性全球化理念是全球化“寒潮”中的一股暖流,为全球化注入新的动力。包容性全球化坚持更公平的发展理念,推动新兴经济体城市通过多样路径嵌入全球城市网络,催生多元共生的“全球城市雨林”。今年,我们持续优化完善全球活力城市、“一带一路”潜力城市指标体系及算法,与时俱进结合产业方向变革、科技竞争加剧趋势,对全球城市复苏的特征作出新观察。我们完善了数据来源和技术分析方法,以数字化方式直观呈现、深入探讨全球创新、生产与服务、联通设施网络特征与趋势。百年变局和世纪疫情相互交织影响下,今年全球城市复苏态势冷暖有别,美洲提升、欧洲下降、东亚持平,全球城市格局正在发生重大调整。随着全球产业链供应链多元化、近岸化重构,新一轮科技革命和产业变革加速演进,全球城市秩序重构的趋势初露端倪。In 2022, COVID-19 continues to rage. Meanwhile, the Russia-Ukraine conflict has led to consequences worldwide, with intensifying energy crisis and globalization crisis coming in waves. The external shocks have resulted in disruptions of global transportation connectivity and fragmentation in supply chains. Governments around the world are increasing their domestic investments to safeguard development security and resilience. Faced with uncertain challenges and opportunities, global cities are going through turmoil. Against the backdrop of growing risks from the confrontation of opposing camps in global governance and the rising trade barriers, the concept of inclusive globalization advocated by the Belt and Road Initiative is a warm current amid the cold wave of globalization, injecting new momentum into globalization process. Inclusive globalization advocates more equitable development, with the aim to facilitate emerging countries to embed themselves into the network of global cities through various paths and create a diverse and symbiotic rainforest of global cities.This year, we have continued to optimize and improve the index system and algorithm of global dynamic cities and Belt and Road potential cities, with new observation on the features of global cities recovery and consideration of the trend of industrial evolution and intensified technological competition. We have improved the data sources and technical analysis methods to digitize and delve into the features and trends of global innovation network, production and service network, and connectivity facility network.Under the influence of profound changes unseen in a century intertwined with the once-in-a-century pandemic, the recovery of global cities remains uneven, with growth in the Americas, recession in Europe and stagnation in East Asia, leading to significant adjustments to the landscape of global cities. With the diversification and nearshoring of global supply chains, a new wave of technological revolution and industrial evolution is picking up speed, thus giving shape to the reshuffling of global cities order. 目录CONTENTS全球城市的动荡与重构全球活力城市“一带一路”潜力城市城市观察TURMOIL AND REALIGNMENT OF GLOBAL CITIESGLOBAL DYNAMIC CITIESBELT AND ROAD POTENTIAL CITIESOBSERVATION ON GLOBAL CITIES123page 04附录 1:2022 年全球活力城市指数排名APPENDIX 1: 2022 RANKING OF GLOBAL DYNAMIC CITIES INDEXpage 32附录 2:2022 年“一带一路”潜力城市指数排名APPENDIX 2: 2022 RANKING OF INDEX FOR BELT AND ROAD POTENTIAL CITIESpage 34附录 3:城市列表APPENDIX 3: LIST OF CITIESpage 36page 05page 19page 244 全球城市的动荡与重构TURMOIL AND REALIGNMENT OF GLOBAL CITIES全球化危机一波未平,一波又起CRISIS OF GLOBALIZATION COMING IN WAVES新冠肺炎病毒变异不断、持续肆虐。联合国数据显示超过 90% 的确诊病例来自城市地区,人口集中的城市是新冠肺炎疫情的震中。猴痘病毒汹汹来袭,世界卫生组织再度发布“全球最高级别公共卫生警报”,全球城市公共卫生安全面临不断的威胁与挑战。俄乌冲突对全球能源、粮食、矿产供应链的冲击不断显现,国际货币基金组织(IMF)预测 2022 年全球经济增速显著放缓,美国和欧洲部分经济体的通胀已达40年来的最高水平。地缘政治紧张、极端天气频发、全球经济风险等纷繁复杂的挑战相互交织,进一步加剧了全球城市复苏的不确定性。COVID-19 mutations and variants continue to wreak havoc. According to the UN, urban areas with high population density are epicenters of the COVID-19 pandemic, accounting for more than 90% of reported cases. With the onslaught of monkeypox, the WHO issued the highest level of alert for Public Health Emergency of International Concern. Public health and safety in global cities are under constant threat and challenge.The impact of Russia-Ukraine conflict on the global supply chains of energy, food and minerals continues to emerge. The IMF projected slower global economic recovery in 2022. Inflation in the US and some European economies has hit the highest level in 40 years. Geopolitical tensions, frequent extreme weather events, global economic risks and other complex challenges are intertwined, further exacerbating the uncertainty in the recovery of global cities.全球城市动荡变革与秩序重构TRANSFORMATION AMID TURMOIL AND REALIGNMENT OF ORDER全球交通联系动荡。新冠肺炎疫情下各国管制措施松紧有别,全球航空客运尚未完全恢复。地缘冲突不断升级导致国际陆路交通受阻、关键海上通道中断,全球货运动荡起伏进一步加剧。此外,“北溪”天然气管道受损、海底光缆故障等重大国际事件,也接连对全球城市物流、信息流网络带来扰动。全球产业链供应链重塑。频频爆发的“黑天鹅”事