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公司报告 医药│香港│2019年11月18日 Powered by the EFA Platform Insert Insert 石药集团 19财年三季度业绩稳健;正转化为创新药龙头企业;重申增持评级 ■ 19财年首三季,石药集团收入稳健增长,净利润符合预期。 ■ 我们将2019/20/21年的净利润预测上调0.8%/2.1%/2.8%,主要是提高了对Keaili产品的收入预测(部分受到销售、一般和行政费用和研发开支上升所抵消)。 ■ 考虑到公司正转化为一家创新药龙头企业,并将在2019-2022年推出超过70种新产品,我们认为股份值得获进一步重估。 ■ 我们将目标价从18.6港元(22倍2020年市盈率,接近历史平均)上调到23.7港元(27倍2020年市盈率,接近+1标准差水平,图3)。重申「增持」评级。 19财年首三季净利符合预期 石药集团19财年首三季净利润为28.1亿元人民币,同比增长24%,分别占我们和市场对2019全年预测的69.8%/71.7%(18财年首三季:70.1%),净利润符合预期。虽然19财年首三季收入强劲增长,但部分受到销售费用(同比增长43.6%至64.6亿人民币)和研发费用(同比上升64%至15亿人民币)拖累,但我们认为上述费用大增的情况已属于市场预期之内。 收入稳健增长 主要受惠于良好的营销能力 在19财年首三季,恩必普(NBP)收入同比增长35.7%至40亿人民币(19财年三季度则同比增长35.3%至12.4亿人民币)。肿瘤科业务在19财年首三季的销售额同比增长170%至35.6亿人民币,主要受益于多美素(同比增长118%至12亿人民币)、津优力(同比增长129.5%至11亿人民币)和Keaili(同比增长590.4%至11人民币)的表现。我们想指出的是,Keaili(即白蛋白紫杉醇)在三季度的收入约4.7亿元人民币,表现十分良好,我们相信这令市场感到惊喜。管理层指引,2020年的Keaili增量销售应不少于2019年。考虑到预期销售渠道进一步扩张和Keaili的明显临床疗效,我们将Keaili的2019/20/21年收入预测上调至15亿/26亿/32亿人民币(之前为11亿/20亿/25亿人民币)。仿制药收入同比增长6%,达到38.6亿人民币,符合预期的单位数增长。 正转化为一家单纯从事创新药的生产商龙头 长线而言值得获估值重估 管理层表示,19财年首三季的研发费用同比上升64%至15亿人民币,其中约60%用于创新药。当在未来两、三年完成普药的一致性评估后,上述研发费用将主要用于创新药,即是石药集团将转化为一家单纯从事创新药的公司。公司目前有超过100种候选创新药产品(包括超过50种大分子和超过40种小分子)正处于研发阶段,主要用于肿瘤、自身免疫、中枢神经系统、新陈代谢、心脑血管(CCV)和抗病毒等领域。公司预计,未来三年内将推出超过70种新产品(包括8种1类创新药物,例如用于糖尿病的DDP4、用于肿瘤学的PD-1、CD20和PI3K等、四种新配方和66种普药)。在超过70种新产品中,有15–20种产品的销售潜力超过10亿人民币,并有超过50种产品的销售潜力超过1亿人民币。鉴于公司有出色的执行力,加上往绩记录良好,且正在转化为一家单纯从事创新药的生产商龙头,我们认为股份长线而言值得获得重估。 来源: 中国银河国际证券研究部, 公司, 彭博 香港 增持 (不变) 市场共识评级*: 买入32 持有4 沽出0 前收盘价: HK$20.55 目标价: HK$23.70 此前目标价: HK$18.60 潜在上升/下跌空间: 15.3% CGI / 市场共识目标价: 路透股票代号: 1093.HK 彭博股票代号: 1093 HK 市值: US$16,374m HK$128,157m 平均每日成交额: US$88.47m HK$697.5m 目前发行在外股数 6,236m 自由流通量 70.0% *来源: 彭博 本报告中的主要变动 2019/20/21财年收入预测上调1.3%/2.6%/3.2% 2019/20/21财年净利润预测上调 0.8%/2.1%/2.8% 2019/20/21财年每股盈利预测上调 0.8%/2.1%/2.8% 来源: 彭博 股价表现 1M 3M 12M 绝对表现 (%) 18.1 65.2 18.1 相对表现 (%) 18.3 61.5 16.2 主要股东 持股百分比 蔡东晨及管理层 30.0 Insert 分析员 何霜霖 (香港证监会中央编号:BDU787) T (852) 3698 6320 E harryhe@chinastock.com.hk 王志文 (香港证监会中央编号:AIU435) T (852) 3698 6317 E cmwong@chinastock.com.hk 57821078.9013.9018.90Price CloseRelative to HSI (RHS)100200300Nov-18Feb-19May-19Aug-19Vol m收入 (百万人民币) 经营EBITDA (百万人民币) 净利润 (百万人民币) 每股核心盈利 (人民币) 每股核心盈利增长 全面摊薄市盈率(倍) 每股派息(人民币) 股息率 EV/EBITDA (倍) 股价/股权自由现金流(倍) 净负债权益比 市净率(倍) 股本回报率 每股核心盈利预测的变动 每股核心盈利/市场共识预测每股盈利(倍) 主要财务指标 Company Note Pharmaceuticals│Hong Kong│November 18, 2019 Powered by the EFA Platform Insert Insert CSPC Pharmaceutical Solid 3Q19 results; transforming into a leading innovative drug manufacturer; reiterate ADD ■ CSPC’s 9M19 results saw robust top-line growth, and its bottom line was in line with expectations. ■ We lifted our 2019/20/21F net profit forecast by 0.8%/2.1%/2.8%, mainly to reflect a higher revenue forecast for Keaili (partially offset by higher SG&A and R&D expenses). ■ We believe the Company is worth a further re-rating as it is transforming into an innovative drug leader, with >70 new products to be launched in 2019–2022F. ■ We raise our Target Price from HK$18.6 (22x 2020F P/E, close to its historical average) to HK$23.7 (27x 2020F P/E, close to +1sd, Figure 3). Reiterate ADD. 9M19 bottom line in line with expectations CSPC’s 9M19 net profit came in at Rmb2.81bn, up 24% yoy, accounting for 69.8%/71.7% of our and the Street's 2019F full-year forecast (9M18: 70.1%), i.e. the bottom line is in line with expectations. Strong top-line growth was dragged down partially by selling expenses (+43.6% yoy to Rmb6.46bn) and R&D expenses (+64% yoy to Rmb1.5bn) in 9M19, but we believe these surging expenses were already well anticipated by the market. Robust top-line growth attributable to strong marketing capability In 9M19 NBP delivered 35.7% yoy revenue growth to Rmb4bn (or +35.3% yoy for 3Q19 to Rmb1.24bn). The oncology segment saw 170% yoy sales growth to Rmb3.56bn in 9M19, driven by Duomeisu (+118% yoy to Rmb1.2bn), Jinyouli (+129.5% yoy to Rmb1.1bn) and Keaili (+590.4% yoy to Rmb1.1bn). We would like to point out that Keaili’s (i.e. Albumin Paclitaxel) 3Q19 sales of ~Rmb470m were very impressive, and we believe this should have surprised the market. Management guided that incremental sales of Keaili in 2020F should be no less than that in 2019F. Considering expected further channel expansion and Keaili’s explicit clinical curative effect, we lifted our Keaili revenue estimate to Rmb1.5/2.6/3.2bn in 2019/20/21F (previously Rmb1.1/2/2.5bn). Generics provided 6% yoy revenue growth to Rmb3.86bn, which was in line with expectations of single-digit growth. On the way to becoming a pure, leading, innovative drug manufacturer, worth a long-term re-rating R&D expenses were up +64% yoy to Rmb1.5bn in 9M19, with ~60% spent on innovative drugs, according to management. R&D expenses will be spent purely on innovative drugs after completion o