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Stock code 股份代號 : 09985.HK(Incorporated in the Cayman Islands with limited liability)(於開曼群島註冊成立的有限公司)ANNUAL REPORT2023年報 Contents 目錄2Company Profile公司簡介3Definitions釋義7Corporate Information公司資料9Financial Overview財務概覽11Chairman’s Statement主席報告14Management Discussion and Analysis管理層討論與分析35Corporate Governance Report企業管治報告60Biographies of Directors and Senior Management董事及高級管理層履歷69Report of the Directors董事會報告96Independent Auditor’s Report獨立核數師報告103Consolidated Statement of Profit or Loss合併損益表104Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income合併綜合收益表105Consolidated Statement of Financial Position合併財務狀況表107Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity合併權益變動表109Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows合併現金流量表111Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements合併財務報表附註 Company Profile公司簡介2WEILONG Delicious Global Holdings LtdAnnual Report 2023 WEILONG Delicious Global Holdings Ltd (the “Company”) and its subsidiaries (“the Group”, “we” or “us”) are a leading spicy snack food enterprise integrating R&D, production and sales in China.Based on traditional formulas, the Group started the Chinese seasoned flour products (also commonly known as Latiao (辣條)) industry, created our first Latiao (辣條) snack in 2001, leading the standards construction of Latiao industry. With our outstanding product development capabilities, the Group has successfully diversified into vegetable products, bean-based products and others, including Konjac Shuang (魔芋爽), Fengchi Kelp (風吃海帶), 78° Braised Egg (78°滷蛋) and others. The Group has further launched new products like spicy Latiao (辣條) “BADAO PANDA (霸道熊貓)”, konjac vegetarian tripe “XIAO MO NV (小魔女)” and spicy crisp Latiao “CUI HUO HUO (脆火火)” in the Current Year, which are quite popular among consumers.Adhering to our product development philosophy of “maximizing the intrinsic value of nature with an industrialized approach”, the Group continuously upgrades existing products and launches new products, focuses on quality through establishing an industry-leading production system and strict quality assurance system.We are a popular snack food brand among young consumers in China. The Group focuses and understands the needs of young consumer groups, constantly enhances brand value through novel and interesting interactions with consumers, and keeps up with current hot topic trends to give the brand new vitality. In 2023, we have won more than 30 awards, including the “2023 Vibrant Brands Favored by College Students” by the 30th China International Advertising Festival and the “TopBrand2023 Top 500 Chinese Brands” by the Chinese Brand Festival.The Group has an omni-channel sales and distribution network that effectively reaches young consumers, we have quickly adapted to the evolving purchasing behavior of consumers and expanded to supermarkets, chained convenience stores, traditional e-commerce channels and emerging snacks specialty retailers, content e-commerce channels and social e-commerce channels which have wide exposure to young consumers.We adhere to the mission “to let the world fall in love with Chinese flavors” and are continuously committed to the good vision of “making authentic Chinese gourmet more entertaining, casual, convenient and affordable, and embrace digital-intelligentization and ultimately build a great business that brings joy and happiness to people for 123 years”. We adhere to the core value of “customers first, employee oriented, operating business with integrity and creating changes”, continuously offer consumers better products and a cheerful consumption experience.The Group was listed on the Main Board of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange (stock code: 9985.HK) on December 15, 2022. On February 29, 2024, the Group has been included in the China Index of the MSCI Global Small Cap Indexes and the MSCI China All Shares Small Cap Index.衛龍美味全球控股有限公司(「本公司」)及其附屬公司(「本集團」或「我們」)是中國領先的集研發、生產及銷售為一體的辣味休閒食品企業。本集團以傳統美食為基礎開創了中國調味麵製品(俗稱「辣條」)行業,於2001年開創出第一根辣條,並引領了辣條行業標準建設。憑藉出眾的品類拓展能力,本集團已成功擴展至蔬菜製品、豆製品及其它產品等品類,推出了包括魔芋爽、風吃海帶、78º滷蛋等大單品。本年度,本集團又推出麻辣辣條「霸道熊貓」、魔芋素毛肚「小魔女」及辣脆片「脆火火」等新品,深受消費者的喜愛。秉承「以工業化思維,讓美食原點的價值最大化釋放」的產品開發理念,本集團持續升級現有產品及推出新產品,專注品質,建立了行業領先的生產體系及嚴格的質量保障體系。我們是倍受中國年輕消費者喜愛的休閒食品品牌,本集團深度洞察年輕消費群體的需求,不斷運用新穎有趣的互動玩法提升品牌價值,並緊跟時下熱點話題趨勢,賦予品牌新活力。本年度,我們先後榮獲第30屆中國國際廣告節「2023大學生喜愛的活力品牌」、中國品牌節評選「TopBrand2023中國品牌500強 」等30餘項榮譽。本集團擁有有效觸達年輕消費者的全渠道銷售及經銷網絡,緊隨消費者購買行為的演變,我們迅速擴張到廣泛覆蓋年輕消費者的商超、連鎖便利店、傳統電商及新興的零食量販店、內容電商、社交電商等渠道。我們秉承「讓世界人人愛上中國味」的重大使命,持續致力於讓「中國傳統美食娛樂化、休閒化、便捷化、親民化、數智化,樂活123年的生態平台」的美好願景,堅持「客戶第一,員工為本,誠信經營,創造變化」的核心價值觀,持續不斷地為消費者提供更好的產品和愉悅的消費體驗。本集團於2022年12月15日在香港聯交所主板上市(股份代號:9985.HK)。 於2024年2月29日本集團榮幸獲納入為MSCI全球小型股指數的中國指數、MSCI中國小型股指數的成分股。 Definitions釋義3ሊᎲߕբΌଢછٰϞࠢʮ̡2023 年報 “AGM”the annu