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请务必阅读正文之后的信息披露和重要声明 海外研 究 公司深 度 研 究 报 告 证券研究报告 #industryId# 医药行业 #investSuggestion# 买入 ( #investSuggestionChange# 首次 ) #marketData# 市场数据 日期 2023/2/27 收盘价(元) 12.88 总股本(百万股) 5.82 流通股本(百万股) 5.82 净资产(百万元) 17.68 总资产(百万元) 31.58 每股净资产 3.04 来源:WIND,兴业证券经济与金融研究院整理 #relatedReport# 相关报告 海外 研究 #emailAuthor# 分析师: 张忆东 海外研究中心总经理 zhangyd@xyzq.com.cn SFC:BIS749 SAC:S0190510110012 #assAuthor# 联系人: 董晓洁 dongxiaojie@xyzq.com.cn #dyStockcode# 06639 .HK #dyCompany# 瑞尔集团 港股通(沪/深) #title# 二十年磨一剑,平台型口腔连锁 #createTime1# 2023年2月28日 投资要点 #summary# ⚫ 口腔医疗服务的先驱和领导者。在中国15个城市拥有114家口腔诊所及8家医院,1400张牙椅,910名资深牙医,运营瑞尔齿科(高端)和瑞泰口腔(中端)两大连锁品牌,规模位列全国前三。公司在专业、稳定的创始人和核心团队的带领下稳健发展。 ⚫ 口腔服务市场超千亿,民营连锁龙头享受集中度提升红利。2021年市场规模约1450亿,2021-2025年CAGR预计20%。行业民营化率超70%,但由于进入门槛低,口腔机构数量超8万家,格局分散,连锁化率仅3%,连锁核心在于医生资源及品牌力、管理能力,瑞尔集团作为以品牌为核心的直营连锁,具有关键因素上的优势积累。 ⚫ 核心能力:基于品牌和管理的全国化连锁经营能力。1)医生侧,瑞尔凭借品牌形象、薪酬体系、院校合作、职业培养等全方位体系,招募并留存了大量高学历、高技术、高年资医生,支撑服务水平及扩张需求。2)消费者侧,优质服务、优质品牌,驱动高客单、高粘性,打开2B渠道。双品牌战略打开广阔市场,瑞泰收入贡献超50%,成为强劲增长动力。3)经营侧,完善的组织架构,依托信息化系统、将供应链、质量控制、运营管理、病例管理、人才培训和客户管理的各个环节实现标准化高效管理,保障医生职业、提升扩张复制的效率和有效性。 ⚫ 规模驱动:老店成长,内生扩张、外延并购。1)门店成熟带动内生增长,半数扩张期和迅速增长期的门店产出持续提升。2)自建与并购共驱稳健扩张:全国性布局和西区新市场的高成长验证公司扩张能力,医生获取留存基础支撑扩张;75%的募资款用于新店扩张,成长可期。 ⚫ 盈利能力逐步体现:门店成熟驱动盈利能力提升,稳健增长期平均毛利率达到30.3%;平衡扩张速度,稳健增长阶段的门店比例不低于50%;提升新店爬坡速度,投资回报期有望缩短至2至5年。 ⚫ 盈利预测及投资建议:疫情扰动消除,2024财年有望回归常态化成长。根据财务预测模型,预计2023-2025财年公司实现营业收入14.45、18.97、23.73亿元,同比增长-11.01%、31.29%、25.11%,归母净利润-1.86、0.89、1.80亿元,经调整经营利润(剔除上市费用、股份酬金开支)-0.16、1.39、1.80亿元,经调整净利润-0.47、0.93、1.18亿。考虑新建医院和门诊拉低公司短期净利润,采用PS估值方式,2023年2月27日市值75亿港币,对应2023-2025财年PS为4.60、3.50、2.80倍,显著低于同行业平均估值,首次覆盖给予“买入”评级。 ⚫ 风险提示:医疗纠纷、品牌受损、医生流失、盈利能力提升不及预期、扩张速度不及预期、市场竞争加剧、政策变化等风险。 主要财务指标 $zycwzb|主要财务指标$ 会计年度 2022财年 2023财年E 2024财年E 2025财年E 营业收入(百万元) 1,624 1,445 1,897 2,373 同比增长(%) 7.16% -11.01% 31.29% 25.11% 归母净利润(百万元) -701 -219 42 115 同比增长(%) 16.95% -68.79% -119.09% 174.86% 毛利率(%) 20.73% 16.35% 21.98% 21.78% ROE -43.24% -15.54% 3.00% 7.61% 每股收益(元) -1.21 -0.38 0.07 0.20 市盈率 -9.47 -30.35 158.99 57.84 来源:WIND,兴业证券经济与金融研究院整理 请务必阅读正文之后的信息披露和重要声明 - 2 - 海外公司深度研究报告 Key Data Feb. 27, 2023 Closing Price(HKD) 12.88 Total Shares (Mn) 582 Shares Outstanding (Mn) 582 Net Assets (CNY/Mn) 1,768 Total Assets (CNY /Mn) 3,158 BVPS(CNY) 3.04 Source:Wind,Industrial Securities Research Institute Analyst Zhang Yidong zhangyd@xyzq.com.cn SFC:BIS749 SAC:S0190510110012 Contact Dong Xiaojie dongxiaojie @xyzq.com.cn Buy (Initiated) Healthcare Arrail Group Limited Stock Connect (SH/SZ) (06639.HK) Leading dental services group in China 28/02/2023 ⚫ Leading dental services group with a nationwide footprint in China: Arrail Group established a nationwide footprint in China, operating both Arrail Dental, a leading premium dental services brand, and Rytime Dental, a middle-end dental services brand. As of September 30, 2022, Arrail Group owns 114 dental clinics and 8 hospitals in 15 cities, with 1,400 dental chairs and 910 senior dentists. Rely on the expertise, experience and leadership of Executive Director, Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer, Mr. ZOU Qifang., Arrail Group developed steadily since founded in 1999. ⚫ Enjoyed huge market potential: With the growth of demand and support of policy, total market size of dental services reached RMB 145 billion in 2021, which is expected to grow at a CAGR of 20% in 2021-2025E. Currently, the industry has a low concentration level due to the low barriers to entry. As a result, the number of dental institutions exceed 80,000 and only 3% of which is chain branded. We found the key factors for chain expansion include dentists, brand and management capabilities. ⚫ Core competitiveness: brand, dentists, service and management capabilities: 1) Consumers: With high-quality services and well-known brand, the average revenues per patient visit exceeded the average level of industry and the percentage of repeat visits exceeded 50%. Also, corporate customers also contribute to revenue. 2) Dentists: Arrail Group provides competitive compensation packages, comprehensive training and structured career progression to dentists, so that Arrail Group can retain existing dentists and attract suitable professionals. 3) Management: Standardized operating procedures and systems and robust digital infrastructure supported the operation of hospital and clinic network across China, ensuring consistent service quality and operational efficiency. ⚫ Expected growth potential: 1) Endogenous growth: Half of the hospitals and clinics are still in ramp-up and fast-growing period, the maturity of which drives endogenous growth. 2) Extensional expansion: Base on nationwide op