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引领多元公平包容最佳实践指南1引领多元公平包容中国最佳实践指南LEADING DEIBEST PRACTICES GUIDE包容多元公平EQUITYINCLUSIONDIVERSITY包容多元EQUITYINCLUSIONDIVERSITY公平 Contents4Prelude by Andy Bentote20BIPO5Prelude by Christine Liu22Bosch China6adidas24Cargill8Airwallex26Carrier10Albany28Coca-Cola China12Aptar Group30Covestro14Avery Dennison32Diageo16Avon China18BBDO34EcoWater36EYContentsContact usPreludeBest Practice CompaniesLeading DEI best practices guide2 38FranklinCovey56Nestlé40Ford China58Nokia Shanghai Bell42Henkel60Organon44Honeywell62PageGroup46I-Mab64Trip.com Group48Kraft Heinz 66Visa50Sino-US United MetLife68Contact us52METTLER TOLEDO54Morningstar引领多元公平包容最佳实践指南3 Leading DEI best practices guide4ContentsContact usPreludeBest Practice CompaniesIt is an absolute honour to partner with sHero on this inaugural guide to DEI best practices in China. As a global business we can clearly see the benefits to having a truly diverse organisation where all employees believe there have the same opportunity to maximise their potential. If all employees feel like they have a supportive environment where they can be the best version of themselves, then they are more likely to thrive. Therefore organisations in China which have a diversity of background and thought throughout their business will without doubt be the most successful in the future. There has been lots of progress in China over the last few years in all areas of DEI, particularly for women in leadership roles, but there is so much more we can all do. This is why this guide is so important in providing advice and ideas to all companies at any stage in their DEI journey. Corporate China will become more diverse and I look forward to you being part of this evolution. On behalf of PageGroup, I hope you enjoy the read.ANDY BENTOTERegional Managing Director, Greater China & Japan大中华区&日本区域董事总经理 我们非常荣幸能与sHero一起合作编写中国首本关于多元、平等与包容的最佳实践指南。作为一家全球性企业,我们深刻理解打造多元文化的好处——所有员工都深信在这样的组织中可以拥有平等的机会去探索潜能边界。当所有员工身处一个支持他们做自己的环境时,他们才能茁壮成长。因此在中国,拥有多元化背景及思维模式的企业无疑会成为未来最成功的企业。在过去的数年里,中国在多元、平等与包容的各个领域,尤其是在女性担任领导角色方面,取得了极大的进步,但我们可以做的还有很多。这也是本指南的意义所在 ,它 为 着 力 于 打 造 多 元 、平 等 与 包 容 文化的所有企业提供了指导性建议和实践思路。未来,中国的企业将变得越来越多样化,我也期待见证这一变革之旅。在此我谨代表PageGroup祝大家开卷有益。 Prelude by Andy Bentote 引领多元公平包容最佳实践指南5We are seeking to showcase companies which have adopted initiatives approaching DEI in their organizations in China. We partner with PageGroup to curate first-of-its-kind guide in the country promoting DEI in the organizations and helping companies to benchmark on how they do it in DEI and organizations that aspire to become more inclusive places for work thus the purpose of the continued sHero x Page Group collaboration is to make corporate China an inclusive place to work. For a decade and more a lot of organizations in China both MNCs and local companies have the right intent of making themselves inclusive, it is the best timing to curate the right guidance to manifest this intention. Thus this guide will act as a catalyst to make corporate a more inclusive place to work.关 于 多 元 化 、公 平 性 和 包 容 性(DE&I)的话题已讨论多年,此次征集并发布中国DEI最佳实践指南首次展示理论转化了的行动,见证组织的包容性提升并了解在中国,组织如何提升自身的包容性。 DEI在国际上受到越来越多的关注,跨国公司也越来越多地应对全球多样性带来的挑战和机遇,制定战略,分配多样性、公平和包容的责任,为了在复杂的全球环境中取得成功。在过去的十年中,我们也清楚看到了全球DEI领导者需要什么来获得领导的信任,在他们的工作场所加强归属感文 化 ,落 地 和 持 续 全 球DEI 。 与PageGroup再度携手的共同目标为在中国的全球公司和中国本土全球化公司成为包容性雇主创造良机。首发电子版书籍多元公平包容中国最佳实践指南旨在帮助公司对标如何做好DEI多元公平包容工作,同时首次展示立志建设包容职场雇主品牌的出色表现。CHRISTINE LIUFounder of sHeroPrelude by Christine Liu 十多年来,在中国的跨国公司和中国本土全球化公司不懈努力践行与创造,力图成为最佳包容组织和品牌,该指南是催化剂 ,使 得 中 国 职 场 更 加 包 容 。 Leading DEI best practices guide6ContentsContact usPreludeBest Practice CompaniesDEI best practices adidas Diversity and Inclusion at adidas means championing individual uniqueness, and nurturing a culture of belonging, so that everyone can perform at their best. We embrace diverse backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives and seek to create a workforce which reflects our consumers and communities. Equity is about ensuring that processes and programs are impartial, fair, and provide equal possible outcomes for every individual. Through our employees’ actions, we are committed to creating an equal starting line for everyone at adidas.As a global company specializing in sports goods, we have set clear commitments to accelerate inclusion globally. In late 2020, adidas launched the global ‘Creating a Culture of Inclusion (CCI)’ Team Workout, in which employees explore critical topics including diversity dimensions, unconscious biases, privileges and microaggressions. In terms of action, each employee made five specific personal commitments to jointly promote and create a more inclusive work environment.The CCI Team Workout consists of six modules and requires 28.5 working hours for completion through live team meetings, individual preparation and reflection. With more than 10,000 employees in Greater China participating, it was quite a task to complete this project. Still, we rose to the challenge.As of July 2021, 100% of our corporate and retail employees in Grea