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2014-02-27Liwen Chen华鑫期货李***

Please check the last page for disclaimer 1 2014-02-27 空单暂时逢低减持 Liwen Chen Research Analyst TEL:+86 21 63731009 Email:chenlw@shhxqh.com Day Movement at a Glance Index % Change SSE Composite 0.35 CSI 300 0.25 IF 1402 -0.42 ETF 300 0.19 China Fortune Futures Co., Ltd. 28F, Shenxin Building 200 East Ninghai Road, Shanghai, China 200021 Hotline: +86 400 186 8822 Fax: +86 21 63731975 http://www.shhxqh.com Market Review 昨日期指全天呈现弱势震荡走势,整体波动区间不大,上午在一些权重板块的护盘下盘面有所回升,午后震荡回落再创本轮调整新低,随后空头回补明显,盘面有所回升。昨日弱势震荡的过程中,期现价差近期高贴水态势有所收窄,说明多头有入场迹象,与昨日多杀多的格局产生较大的转变。空头方面,盘中仍有增仓意愿,整体盘面陷入多空激烈争夺的震荡市中。现货方面,创业板再次大幅杀跌,权重板块有所企稳,但量能欠缺。 News 习近平:把北京建成国际一流和谐宜居之都; 国务院常务会议部署加快发展现代职业教育; 央行:银行体系流动性总体较为适度股市涨跌受自身规律决定; 我国规划建设12条治霾跨区送电通道;阿里巴巴放弃香港上市; 发改委:明日起上调油价90号汽油每升提高0.15元。 Index Futures Daily Report Index Futures Daily Report http://www.shhxqh.com Please check the last page for disclaimer 2 View 从银行结售汇顺差数据我们可以看到境外净流入呈扩大态势,在这种背景下,近期人民币汇率持续下滑,说明央行有意控制资金流入,在这一定程度上利空期指走势,但前期我们提到影响期现指数走弱的关键性因素依然是市场对宏观经济的悲观预期,因此后市期指仍有下行动能。短期来看,期指下方2100料将有较强技术支撑,并且近几个交易日空头累积较大的获利空间,不排除有较多止盈盘涌出,存在超跌反弹需求,因此短期空头逢盘面下探至2100附近暂时获利派发,可尝试性在2100附近短多,中期仍然以逢高抛空思路对待。 Charts: Market Statistics for Wednesday, February 26, 2014 Contract Open High Low Close ΔClose Settlement ΔSettlement Volume ΔVolume Open Interest ΔOpen Interest CSI300 2147.7 2164.3 2151.3 2163 5.63 68.7billion -30.3billion IF1403 2140.8 2157.8 2131.4 2149.8 -9.6 2149.8 -8.4 697334 101326 7561 IF1404 2152.0 2158.8 21330 2148.6 -11.8 2151.6 -8.6 5695 1231 6039 IF1406 2146.0 2158.4 2134。8 2149 -91.2 2150.2 -9.4 17927 16101 474 IF1409 2145 2160.0 2134.2 2150.6 -9.4 2152.2 -7.6 2245 4932 668 Source: Wind, Investment Consulting Department of China Fortune Futures Index Futures Daily Report http://www.shhxqh.com Please check the last page for disclaimer 3 前一个交易日沪深300指数缩量整理,市场观望氛围较浓。 行业板块方面,稀土板块表现活跃,盘中多股呈现逆势翻红,黄金股全线飙升,而传媒股、券商股、次新股表现疲软。 前20支权重股对现货指数涨幅贡献点为-0.58,其余个股贡献点数为7.62点。 2月26日,沪深两市共流入43亿元,其中沪市流入13亿元,深市流入30亿元。 Exibit 1: CSI300 by Minute Source:Wind,Research Department of China Fortune Futures Exibit2: Sectors Performance of CSI300 Source:Wind,Research Department of China Fortune Futures Exibit 3: Contribution from the 20 largest stocks to CSI300 Source:Wind,Research Department of China Fortune Futures Exibit 4: CSI300 by Daily Source:Wind,Research Department of China Fortune Futures Index Futures Daily Report http://www.shhxqh.com Please check the last page for disclaimer 4 前一个交易日期指加权指数先抑后扬,盘中多空争夺激烈,震荡或加剧。 期指总持仓量小幅减持1403手至122176手,成交持仓比变化不大,量价关系配合一般。 前一个交易日1403合约与现货指数全天波动区间为[-10.21,4.35],波动区间较大,盘中出现明显的套利机会,获利空间11点左右。 日内分时基差方面, 1406合约与现货指数全天波动区间为[-10.21,5.39],出现明显的套利机会,获利空间12点左右。 Exibit 5: IF 1310 by Minute Source:Wind,Research Department of China Fortune Futures Exibit 6: The Ratio of Volume and Position By Daily Source:Wind,Research Department of China Fortune Futures Exibit 7: IF 1403 and CSI300, Spread by Minute Source:Wind,Research Department of China Fortune Futures Exibit 8: IF 1406 and CSI300, Spread by Minute Source:Wind,Research Department of China Fortune Futures Index Futures Daily Report http://www.shhxqh.com Please check the last page for disclaimer 5 隔夜期现套利方面,1403合约运行时间较长,与现货指数收盘价差波动区间[-58,39],均值2.56,标准差18.1,无套利区间[-12,17],昨日期现价差尾盘由升水-12.2点转为-14.2点,可考虑买股指抛现货的期现套利。 前一个交易日1404合约与1403合约基差波动区间为[-0.6,3],波动区间较小,盘中没有出现明显的套利机会。 前一个交易日1406合约与1403合约基差波动区间为[-0.4,2.2],波动区间较小,盘中没有出现明显的套利机会。 隔夜跨期套利方面,目前1403与1404两合约以及1403与1406两组合约之间的跨期基差较窄,波动不大,暂观望为宜。 Exibit 9: Spread between IF Front and CSI300 by Daily Source:Wind,Research Department of China Fortune Futures Exibit 10: Spread between 1404Contract and 1403 Contract by Minute Source:Wind,Research Department of China Fortune Futures Exibit11:Spread between IF 1406 and 1403Contract by Minute Source:Wind,Research Department of China Fortune Futures Exibit 12 : Spread between different contracts Daily Source:Wind,Research Department of China Fortune Futures Index Futures Daily Report http://www.shhxqh.com Please check the last page for disclaimer 6 Exibit 13: Top 20 Weighted Stocks of CSI 300 Top 20 Component Stocks of CSI 300 by Weight Code Price Weight(%) Daily Change(%) Index Contribution Sector 601318 37.50 3.81 -0.37 -0.37 Financial 600036 10.02 3.48 0.80 0.74 Financial 600016 7.33 3.37 0.41