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1 欢迎阅读 MEC 尚扬媒介与胡润百富合作发布的《中国高净值人群情谊往来白皮书》。中国赠礼文化和行为是非常值得探讨的议题。从过去到现在,尽管人们赠礼的原因和影响因素有所变化,但它的重要性却始终不变。而要洞悉消费者赠礼的意识、需求和行为,则须将视角根植于中国的文化和社会背景。中国在赠礼文化和行为上有其独到之处,它受到关系和人情文化的深远影响。关系和人情文化源于中国儒家的社会哲学,既强调人际关系的重要性,又讲究人际间亲疏有别的层级关系,从而维护社会和经济秩序。在中国,礼物所承载的意义是亘古不变的。即便在当下,赠礼仍深度渗透于国人的生活,尤其对于高净值人群而言,赠礼在他们的生活中发挥着愈发重要的作用。 Welcome to the MEC China HNWI Gifting White Paper, pro-duced in partnership with Hurun. Gifting is a fascinating subject, though the motivations and influ-ences have changed over time, it is as relevant and important now as it ever has been. To truly under-stand consumers’ mindset, needs and behavior when it comes to luxury gifting we have to ground our insight in cultural and societal influence. China is unique in the world in gifting behavior; the ideas of Guanxi and Renqing are deeply rooted in the Chinese social phi-losophy of Confucianism, which stresses the importance of rela-tionships and associating oneself with others in a hierarchical man-ner, in order to maintain social and economic order. The meaning of gifting has been carried through thousands of years’ history. Now in modern China, it is deeply immersed in people’s lives, and particularly for high net worth individuals (HNWIs) plays a more critical role than ever before. 序言PREFACE高顿 Gordon Domlija尚扬媒介中国首席执行官MEC China CEO 2MEC 旨在基于消费者洞察帮助企业和品牌开拓其与消费者连接的机会点At MEC we are driven by a desire to understand consumers and thereby create opportunities to connect people with experiences中国的礼品市场正蓬勃发展。消费者越来越注重物质之外的满足,也越来越重视身边的关系网络,因而,他们的赠礼参与度也越来越高。与此同时,各行各业也充溢着形式多样的礼品营销,这也为消费者提供了更多的礼品选择、赠礼场合和概念,同时为品牌自身创造了更多的商机。MEC 旨在基于消费者洞察,帮助企业和品牌开拓其与消费者连接的机会点。在白皮书中,我们的洞察和观点源自于对中国关系文化的深入理解,以及关系文化对赠礼需求和行为的影响。我们介绍了中国关系文化和人情社会的定义与特点,阐释了赠礼在其中所扮演的角色。通过阅读白皮书,您可以了解赠礼在中国的重要性,了解中国人为何赠礼、给谁赠礼、赠什么礼、何时赠礼以及如何赠礼的讲究和门道。同时,通过专属的研究和策划方法论,MEC MOMENTUM,我们归纳了高净值人群在赠礼决策中的每一个关键阶段,以及在每一个阶段上的影响因素。我们的深度解读从多个维度揭示了研究赠礼这个议题的价值,以及其中所蕴含的商机。希望这本白皮书可以让您更深入地了解中国人如何赠礼,特别是高净值人群在赠礼上的文化和讲究,帮助您探寻到潜在的商业机会。阅读愉快。The gifting market in China is developing rap-idly. Consumers are attracted to experience beyond material satisfaction, while more attention to the Guanxi network is leading to higher involvement and consideration in gifting. At the same time increas-ing gifting choices, occasions and concepts that are promoted by marketers across different categories are creating more opportunities for individuals and brands.At MEC we are driven by a desire to under-stand consumers and thereby create opportunities to connect people with experiences. In this white paper, our analysis and point of view is rooted in a profound understanding of Chinese culture, and how it impacts gifting needs and behavior. We intro-duced the definition and special characteristics of Chinese Guanxi and Renqing-oriented society, and the role that gifting plays. You can read our discov-ery of the importance of gifting and the insight that goes into fundamental questions such as who, what, where and how gifting purchase decisions are made. Through our proprietary research and planning approach, MEC Momentum, we identified what really matters to HNWIs in terms of gifting at the critical stages of their decision making journey. This deep analysis reveals the value of understanding this topic from multiple and critical dimensions, and what op-portunities it brings. I hope this White Paper will help you understand more about Gifting in China, particularly for modern HNWIs, and help you find potential opportunities to grow your business. Enjoy reading. 3 目录序言 PREFACE开篇 OPENING中国高净值人群规模SCALE OF CHINESE HNWIS看点概览INTERESTING FINDINGS第一章:解读中国式“关系” CHAPTER 1: CHINESE GUANXI第二章:高净值人群赠礼行为概览CHAPTER 2: OVERVIEW OF HNWIS' GIFTING BEHAVIOR第三章:对核心群体赠礼的行为CHAPTER 3: GIFTING BEHAVIOR FOR CORE GROUPS第四章:高净值人群奢侈品赠礼态度及行为CHAPTER 4: HNWIS' ATTITUDE & BEHAVIOR OF LUXURY GIFTING关于MEC尚扬媒介ABOUT MEC关于胡润百富ABOUT HURUN研究方法及版权声明RESEARCH METHODS & COPYRIGHT STATEMENT0104060810163952626365CONTENT1457 4记得我第一次来中国之前,周围很多朋友都跟我强调说中国人特别爱赠礼、中国的赠礼文化特别深厚。当时,我个人还不太理解和意识到赠礼在中国的意义和重要性,因为在英国赠礼场合比较少,主要集中在圣诞节、生日和特别节日(周年婚礼)。实际到了中国之后,我对中国赠礼文化的感触特别深刻。记得1991年,来中国时朋友推荐我多带一些烟草用来作为比较好的礼物选择,当时给我感觉是,在中国,“赠礼文化”是“中国文化”的重要部分,如何赠礼、赠什么,都是十分讲究的,“赠礼”也有成功与否之说。近些年,我身边的企业家们赠礼也发生着一些变化,从烟到雪茄 ;从干邑到威士忌 ;从电子产品到有机健康食品......我们很高兴能够与 MEC 尚扬媒介一起合作,共同发布《2017中国高净值人群情谊往来白皮书》。我认I remember before I came to China for the first time, many of my friends emphasised to me how much Chinese people value gifts, and how deeply embedded they are in Chinese culture. At the time, I did not fully appreciate the importance of gift-giving in China, not least because it does not play a particularly significant role in British culture; outside of Christmases, birthdays, weddings and anniversaries, they are fairly rare.After arriving in China, I immediately came to realise the significance of gift-giving for the Chinese. I recall that in 1991, when I came to the country for the first time, it was recommended that I bring tobacco with me in order to "do as the Romans do", that is to say, to establish "Guanxi" with others by giving i