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2022年報 Annual Report(於開曼群島註冊成立的有限公司)(incorporated in the Cayman Islands with limited liability)股份代號 Stock Code : 2279雍禾醫療集團有限公司YONGHE MEDICAL GROUP CO., LTD. 目錄CONTENTS公司簡介 2Company Profile公司資料 3Corporate Information財務概要 6Financial Summary主席報告 7Chairman’s Statement管理層討論與分析 12Management Discussion and Analysis董事及高級管理層 35Directors and Senior Management董事會報告 43Report of Directors企業管治報告 82Corporate Governance Report環境、社會及管治報告 102Environmental, Social and Governance Report獨立核數師報告 154Independent Auditor’s Report合併全面收益表 162Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income合併資產負債表 163Consolidated Balance Sheet合併權益變動表 165Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity合併現金流量表 166Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows合併財務報表附註 168Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements釋義 270Definitions 公司簡介COMPANY PROFILE2雍禾醫療集團有限公司 YONGHE MEDICAL GROUP CO., LTD.The Group is the leading medical group in China specializing in providing hair-related healthcare services, and offers one-stop hair-related healthcare services covering hair transplant, medical hair care, and routine hair restoration and other ancillary services.Through decades of dedication and commitment to China’s hair- related healthcare industry, the Group has made Yonghe Hair Transplant (雍禾植髮) a well-known and highly trusted brand among its peers, and has promoted many major developments and advancements in the industry. After acquiring the mainland China business of Svenson and successfully establishing a Svenson Medical Hair Care Center (史雲遜醫學健髮中心) in each of its clinics in mainland China under the “shop-in-shop” and “stand-alone shop” models, the Group further expanded its footprint outside the mainland China by acquiring the Hong Kong business of Nu/Hart Hair (顯赫植髮), a renowned hair transplant service provider originated from the U.S.. In addition, through cooperation with prestigious universities such as Sun Yat-sen University in the PRC, the Group is blazing a trail towards collaborative research and development with academia and showing the way forward for the hair-related healthcare service industry. By breaking those new grounds, the Group is enhancing our core competitiveness and further strengthening our leading position in the industry.The Group has built a one-stop shop for medical hair care services to meet the medical demands of a wide range of patients. Leveraging a standardized and highly scalable business model, the Group has achieved industry-leading operational capabilities, enabling us to effectively control costs, boost operational efficiency and improve profitability. The Group continues to improve our diagnostic, therapeutic, and research and development capabilities by collaborating with experts from Class IIIA hospitals and renowned academic institutions. In addition, in order to continuously improve medical service for patients, to stay ahead of the technological curve and to propel business development, the Group has always been actively promoting and adopting new technologies in its business, including data usage and analysis, intelligent services and online services. The Group believes that such strengths have reinforced our industry-leading position and will sustain our growth momentum into the future.本集團是中國領先的專門從事提供毛髮醫療服務的醫療集團,提供一站式毛髮醫療服務,涵蓋植髮醫療、醫療養固、常規養護及其他配套服務。深耕中國毛髮醫療行業數十年,雍禾植髮已經成為中國植髮醫療機構中知名及值得信賴的品牌,本集團推動了業內的許多重大發展,促進行業進步。本集團繼收購史雲遜的中國內地業務並在其中國內地的醫療機構並以「店中店」和「獨立門店」等模式成功設立史雲遜醫學毛髮中心後,再收購源自美國的知名植髮醫療服務提供商顯赫植髮的香港業務,藉此將其足跡進一步伸延至中國內地之外。此外,本集團通過與中國中山大學等著名大學合作,全面推動毛髮醫療服務行業邁向產學研發展的新階段。我們相信,該等開創性的行動將增強我們的核心競爭能力,進一步鞏固我們的行業領導地位。本集團已構建一站式醫療養固服務體系以滿足廣泛患者的醫療需求。憑藉我們的標準化及高度可延展的商業模式,本集團還具備行業領先的運營能力,令我們能有效控製成本、提高運營效率和改善盈利能力。本集團通過與三甲醫院專家和知名院校合作,不斷提高我們的研發和診療能力。此外,為不斷改進對患者的醫療服務、在科技方面取得領先地位和加快業務發展,本集團一直在積極推動在業務中採用數據運用與分析、智能服務和在線服務等新技術。我們認為,該等優勢已鞏固我們在業內的領先地位,並為我們的未來增長提供持續動力。 公司資料CORPORATE INFORMATIONANNUAL REPORT 2022 二零二二年年報3BOARD OF DIRECTORSExecutive DirectorsMr. ZHANG Yu (Chairman and Chief Executive Officer)Mr. ZHANG HuiMs. HAN Zhimei (appointed on June 28, 2022)Non-executive DirectorsMr. GENG JiaqiMr. ZHAI Feng (resigned on June 28, 2022)Independent Non-executive DirectorsMs. LIANG Jihong (appointed on June 28, 2022)Mr. CHAN Peng KuanMr. LI XiaopeiMs. WANG Jiping (resigned on June 28, 2022)AUDIT COMMITTEEMr. CHAN Peng Kuan (Chairman)Mr. GENG JiaqiMr. LI XiaopeiREMUNERATION COMMITTEEMr. CHAN Peng Kuan (Chairman)Mr. ZHANG YuMr. LI XiaopeiNOMINATION COMMITTEEMr. ZHANG Yu (Chairman)Mr. CHAN Peng KuanMr. LI Xiaopei (appointed on June 28, 2022)Ms. WANG Jiping (resigned on June 28, 2022)JOINT COMPANY SECRETARIESMs. HAN ZhimeiMs. KAM Mei Ha Wendy (appointed on August 29, 2022)Ms. LEUNG Ching Ching (resigned on August 29, 2022)AUTHORISED REPRESENTATIVESMr. ZHANG YuMs. KAM Mei Ha Wendy (appointed on August 29, 2022)Ms. L





