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UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND DEVELOPMENTUNCTADUNITED NATIONSINVESTING IN SUSTAINABLE RECOVERY2021WORLD INVESTMENT REPORT 行业研究报告,服务于财经领域,整合发布高质量的财经相关领域精品资讯,提供各行业研究报告和干货。我们以微信公众号为基础,覆盖第三方平台为财经相关领域从业群体提供高质量的免费资讯信息服务。 我们的优势: 高质量的内容生产模式、多平台覆盖的整合营销服务、超百余万的高净值人群粉丝、专业、稳定的管理与团队。 旗下的矩阵号: 行业研究资本、行研资本、行研君、IPO智囊团、IPO最前沿、并购大讲堂、科创板的韭菜花、海外投资政策、海外置业政策、海外留学政策、海外留学、全球海外移民政策、番国志。 扫码关注公众号: 行研君 IPO最前沿 全球海外移民政策 报告索取请加:report08 商务合作请加:report998 Geneva, 2021UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND DEVELOPMENTINVESTING IN SUSTAINABLE RECOVERY2021WORLD INVESTMENT REPORT iiWorld Investment Report 2021 Investing in Sustainable RecoveryISBN 9789211130171eISBN 9789210054638Print ISSN 1020-2218Online ISSN 2225-1677Sales No. E.21.II.D.13© 2021, United NationsAll rights reserved worldwideRequests to reproduce excerpts or to photocopy should be addressed to the Copyright Clearance Center at copyright.com. All other queries on rights and licences, including subsidiary rights, should be addressed to: United Nations Publications, 405 East 42nd Street, New York, New York 10017, United States of AmericaEmail: publications@un.orgWebsite: shop.un.orgThe designations employed and the presentation of material on any map in this work do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the United Nations concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.This publication has been edited externally.United Nations publication issued by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development.UNCTAD/WIR/2021 iiiPrefacePREFACEGlobal flows of foreign direct investment have been severely hit by the COVID-19 pandemic. In 2020, they fell by one third to $1 trillion, well below the low point reached after the global financial crisis a decade ago. Greenfield investments in industry and new infrastructure investment projects in developing countries were hit especially hard.This is a major concern, because international investment flows are vital for sustainable development in the poorer regions of the world. Increasing investment to support a sustainable and inclusive recovery from the pandemic is now a global policy priority. This entails promoting investment in infrastructure and the energy transition, in resilience and in health care.The World Investment Report supports policymakers by monitoring global and regional investment trends and national and international policy developments. This year’s report reviews investment in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and shows the influence of investment policies on public health and economic recovery from the pandemic.A concerted global effort is needed to increase SDG investment leading up to 2030. The package of recommendations put forward by UNCTAD for promoting investment in sustainable recovery provides an important tool for policymakers and the international development community.I commend this report to all engaged in building a sustainable and inclusive future.António Guterres Secretary-General of the United Nations ivWorld Investment Report 2021 Investing in Sustainable RecoveryThe COVID-19 pandemic caused a dramatic fall in global foreign direct investment (FDI) in 2020, bringing FDI flows back to the level seen in 2005. The crisis has had an immense negative impact on the most productive types of investment, namely, greenfield investment in industrial and infrastructure projects. This means that international production, an engine of global economic growth and development, has been seriously affected. The crisis has rolled back progress made in bridging the investment gap achieved following the adoption of the SDGs. This demands a renewed commitment and a big push for investment and financing in the SDGs. The main focus now is on the recovery process. But the issue is not only about reigniting the economy, it is about making the recovery more sustainable and more resilient to future shocks. Given the scale and multitude of the challenges, we need a coherent policy approach to promote investment in resilience, balance stimulus between infrastructure and industry, and address the implementation challenges of recovery plans. This report looks at investment priorities for the recovery phase. It shows that for developing and transition economies, and least-developed countries (LDCs) in particular, the development of productive capacity is a helpful guide in setting investment priorities and showing where international investment can most contribute, but also where it has been hit hardest during the pandemic. The report argues that five factors will determine the impact of investment packages on sustainable and inclusive recovery: additiona