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MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS管理層討論及分析Annual Report 2023Beijing Tong Ren Tang Chinese Medicine Company Limited二零二三年年報北京同仁堂國藥有限公司23精氣神古代講究養生的人把﹁精、神、氣﹂稱為人身三寶,將之視為健康與否,或是疾病順逆的重要指標。 ﹁精、神、氣﹂三者相互資生、相互助長;精充,氣足,神旺,是人體健康的保證;精虧,氣虛,神疲,是人體衰弱的原因。益氣、固精、養神是養生之根本,各種養生方式不外乎對這三方面進行調養。CONTENTS 目錄3Organisation Chart 組織架構圖4Tong Ren Tang at a Glance in 20232023年同仁堂一覽6Financial Highlights財務摘要12Chairman’s Statement主席獻辭16Management Discussion and Analysis 管理層討論及分析28Owned Products自有產品32ESG Report環境、社會及管治報告84Investor Relations Report 投資者關係報告90Directors and Senior Management董事及高級管理人員96Directors’ Report 董事會報告120Corporate Governance Report企業管治報告150Independent Auditor’s Report 獨立核數師報告158Consolidated Income Statement綜合利潤表160Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income 綜合全面收益表162Consolidated Balance Sheet 綜合資產負債表164Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity 綜合權益變動表166Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows 綜合現金流量表168Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements 綜合財務報表附註272Information for Investors 投資者資料274Corporate Information 公司資料276Glossary詞彙Ancestors appreciating healthcare in ancient times recognised “Jing, Shen and Qi” as the three treasures of human body, and regarded them as important indicators of health or disease.“Jing, Shen and Qi” are interrelated and interdependent. Sufficient amount of Jing, Shen and Qi is the guarantee of human health, while deficiency of the same is the cause of physical weakness of human. Replenishment of Qi, consolidation of Jing and repose for Shen are the foundation of healthcare, when healthcare focuses on nurturing these three things regardless of the methods. PUBLIC SHAREHOLDERS公眾股東TRT LTD.同仁堂股份TRT TECHNOLOGIES同仁堂科技亞洲ASIAAMERICA大洋洲OCEANIA歐洲EUROPE美洲Honour Essence大宏貿易TRT (Singapore)同仁堂(新加坡)TRT (Macau)同仁堂(澳門)TRT Tong Xin Tong L e同仁堂同心同樂TRT (Gulf)同仁堂(海灣)TRT InternationalNatural-Pharm同仁堂國際藥業TRT (Australia)同仁堂(澳大利亞)TRT (Melbourne)同仁堂(墨爾本)TRT (Auckland)同仁堂(奧克蘭)Herb Booth禾步在綫TRT USA同仁堂美國控股TRT (Canada)同仁堂(加拿大)TRT (Toronto)同仁堂(多倫多)T RT (Vancouver)同仁堂(溫哥華)TRT (Los Angeles)同仁堂(洛杉磯)TRT Ming Qi同仁堂鳴岐TRT (San Gabriel)同仁堂(聖蓋博)TRT Concord同仁堂協和TRT (Poland)同仁堂(波蘭)TRT (Russia)同仁堂(俄羅斯)Sichuan SihuiPharmaceutical四川四惠藥業TRT (Brunei)同仁堂(汶萊)TRT (Hainan)同仁堂(海南)TRT (Thai BoonBoong)同仁堂(泰文隆)TRT Fook MingTang同仁堂福明堂TRT E-commerce同仁堂電商Dianorm Biotech麥爾海生物技術TRT HerbalHeritage同仁堂神草藥業TRT (Malaysia)同仁堂(馬來西亞)TRT (Thailand)同仁堂(泰國)TRT (Seoul)同仁堂(首爾)TRT Management同仁堂管理THE COMPANY 本公司TRT Europe Holding同仁堂歐洲控股TRT (Pudu)同仁堂(普度)TRT (Czech)同仁堂(捷克)TRT (Sweden)同仁堂(瑞典)TRT (Swiss) 同仁堂(瑞士)TRT Giomi 同仁堂吉奧明TRT (Berlin)同仁堂(柏林)CORPORATE PROFILE公司簡介ORGANISATION CHART組織架構圖2Annual Report 2023Beijing Tong Ren Tang Chinese Medicine Company Limited3二零二三年年報北京同仁堂國藥有限公司This chart is produced based on the information as at 31 December 2023.本圖表按截至2023年12月31日的資料編製。In 1669, Beijing Tong Ren Tang was founded during the eighth year of Emperor Kangxi’s reign during the Qing Dynasty. Starting in 1723, Beijing Tong Ren Tang exclusively provided Chinese medicine to the royal family for 188 years, spanning the reigns of eight emperors. Throughout history, Beijing Tong Ren Tang has always been nationally renowned in the Chinese medicinal industry. Over 355 years of dedication to quality medicinal products, we have continuously upheld our longstanding commitment to “Never cut corners on labour and quality, no matter how complex the process or how costly the materials”. Our self-discipline is also seen from our motto: “Dedication comes from the heart in the steps that no one else can see”. We are meticulous in our manufacturing process and strive for excellence, using superior crude materials and meticulous technical skill. Only the most effective, unique formulas are passed down and refined into our famed products. “Established as the sole Chinese medicine provider to royal families, Tong Ren Tang is an enduring national brand that has overcome various vicissitudes — from recessions to enemy invasions to the establishment of the People’s Republic of China. Tong Ren Tang is a truly a historical symbol of quality and credibility.”Quote from “Tong Ren Tang: Inheritance and Development” by Bian Dong Zi北京同仁堂是全國中藥行業著名的老字號。創建於 1669年(清朝康熙八年),自1723年開始供奉御藥,歷經八代皇帝 188 年。在355年的風雨歷程中,歷代同仁堂人始終恪守「炮製雖繁必不敢省人工,品味雖貴必不敢減物力」的古訓,樹立「修合無人見,存心有天知」 的自律意識,造就了製藥過程中兢兢業業、精益求精的嚴謹精神,其產品以「配方獨特、選料上乘、工藝精湛、療效顯著」而享譽海內外,並得以世代弘揚。從創立之初的千古承諾,到「供奉御藥」的吉凶莫測;從再造中興的艱難曲折,到強虜入侵的國恨家仇;從解放以後的「鳳凰涅槃」,到銳意改革的創新之路。同仁堂,一個飽經滄桑的民族品牌歷久彌堅,成為質量與信譽的象徵。節選 邊東子《同仁堂:傳承與發展》 TONG REN TANG AT A GLANCE IN 20232023年同仁堂一覽4Annual Report 2023Beijing Tong Ren Tang Chinese Medicine Company Limited5二零二三年年報北京同仁堂國藥有限公司MARCH 三月• Held the 30th anniversary of Beijing Tong Ren Tang’s international development and conference for 10th listing anniversary of Beijing Tong Ren Tang Chinese Medicine Company Limited in 2023 舉辦北京同仁堂國際化發展三十週年暨北京同仁堂國藥有限公司上市十週年研討會2023APRIL 四月• Opened one retail outlet in Tseung Kwan O,