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POST-EVENT REPORT—Conference: Labor in the Climate Transition: Charting the Roadmap for 2019 and Beyond

POST-EVENT REPORT—Conference: Labor in the Climate Transition: Charting the Roadmap for 2019 and Beyond

September 12, 2018David Brower Center Berkeley, CaliforniaOfficial affiliate event of the 2018 Global Climate Action Summit! California – What is labor’s agenda for a climate strategy that protects good jobs? Just Transition – Best practices from U.S. and abroad for the low-carbon transition. Transport & logistics – How to support workers as emissions rules and automation transform cargo transport. Transit & smart growth – Labor’s role in low-emissions urban mobility. Clean electricity – How renewables and the changing grid can support good jobs. Adaptation – Preparing communities and infrastructure for impacts of climate change. Alliances – Success stories for creating and strengthening broad coalitions for climate action. Energy efficiency – Best practices for good jobs while reducing energy use in buildings/industry. Training & apprenticeships – How unions use training to build market share and support a diverse workforce. Offshore wind – Labor is organizing this new industry in the East Coast – what about California?For more information and registration, please visit: laborcenter.berkeley.edu/beyond2019/LaborIN THE Climate TransitionCHARTING THE ROADMAP FOR 2019 AND BEYOND