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INTERIM REPORTFOR THE SIX MONTHS ENDED 30TH SEPTEMBER, 2023中期業績報告截至二零二三年九月三十日止六個月 1STARLITE HOLDINGS LIMITED • INTERIM REPORT 2023星光集團有限公司‧二零二三年中期業績報告業績本集團截至二零二三年九月三十日止六個月錄得約七百萬港元溢利,去年同期則錄得約九百萬港元溢利。營業額約為四億六千萬港元,比去年同期減少百份之十五。基於通脹壓力已逐漸緩和使主要原材料價格回落、加上眾多成本優化措施的有效落實及人民幣貶值錄得匯兌收益使集團期內保持核心利潤水準。於報告期間,全球政治和經濟形勢依然嚴峻,地緣政治衝突和全球滯脹風險給全球經濟發展帶來了一定程度的不確定性,而各地主要央行致力加息遏抑通脹,造成環球經濟增長持續放緩,消費者傾向減省非必要開支,對零售市場造成負面影響。面對需求端的萎縮及經濟大環境急劇波動,本期中國境內三個廠區的表現均優於預期。廣州廠區持續錄得盈利而韶關廠區扭虧為盈。蘇州廠區業務輕微下跌但仍錄得利潤。另一方面,亞世安區域銷售額下跌但同樣扭虧為盈。面對複雜多變的國內外環境和各種風險挑戰,集團秉持穩中求進理念,積極優化戰略資源配置,加大對新業務及新興細分市場的投入力度,投放資源開發具市場潛力的新產品線,積極拓展其他優質客戶,降低對部分客戶或行業的依賴,打造新的業績增長點,始終堅持綠色、節能、低碳減排環保創新之路,構建獨特的核心競爭力,積極承擔社會責任,務求在市況全面復甦時能迅速作出反應。詳情載於「業務概況及前瞻」。RESULTSThe Group posted a profit of approximately HK$7 million for the six months ended 30th September, 2023, compared to profit of approximately HK$9 million in the same period last year. The Group recorded about HK$460 million in revenue decreased by 15% compared with the same period last year.As inflationary pressure has gradually eased, prices of major raw materials have fallen back. Coupled with the effective implementation of various cost optimisation measures and the exchange gains from the depreciation of Renminbi, the Group maintained its core profit level during the period.During the reporting period, the global political and economic situation remained severe. Geopolitical conflicts and the risk of global stagflation have brought a certain degree of uncertainties to the global economic development. Major central banks in various regions have been committed to raising interest rates to curb inflation, resulting in the continuous slowdown in global economic growth. Consumers have tended to reduce unnecessary expenses, which has had a negative impact on the retail market. In the face of shrinking demand side and sharp fluctuations in the macro-economic environment, the performance of the three plants in China was better than expected during the period. The Guangzhou plant continued to record profits while the Shaoguan plant turned losses into profits. The Suzhou plant recorded a slight decline in operation but still recorded a profit. On the other hand, sales in the ASEAN region decreased but still managed to make a turnaround to profit.Facing the complex and ever-changing domestic and international environment and various risks and challenges, the Group adhered to the concept of seeking progress while maintaining stability, and actively optimizing the allocation of strategic resources. The Group increased its investment in new businesses and emerging market segments, invested resources to develop new product lines with market potential, actively expanded other high-quality customers, reduced reliance on some customers or industries, and created new performance growth points. By always adhering to the path of green, energy-saving, low-carbon emission and environmental protection innovation, the Group built unique core competitiveness, actively undertook social responsibilities, and strived to respond quickly when the market conditions fully recover. Details are set out in the section headed “Business Review and Prospects”. 2STARLITE HOLDINGS LIMITED • INTERIM REPORT 2023星光集團有限公司‧二零二三年中期業績報告中期股息董事會建議向二零二四年一月十二日名列股東名冊的股東,派發截至二零二三年九月三十日止六個月的中期股息每股港幣一仙(二零二二年九月三十日:中期股息每股港幣一仙),有關股息將於二零二四年二月二十一日派發。業務概況及前瞻概覽回顧期內,環球經濟放緩部分源於為降通脹而採取空前的貨幣收緊政策。政策的負面影響已經開始顯現,但各國的傳播情況並不均衡。信貸環境收緊正在給房地產市場、投資和經濟活動帶來壓力。此外,俄烏戰爭持續及以色列與哈馬斯激戰導致中東局勢不穩,使大國分化日益擴大,全球經濟蹣跚向前,缺乏動力。國內外消費恢復不及預期的經營環境下使業務拓展更具難度。多重因素影響下,預計今年下半年市場對產品及服務需求將持續疲弱,給企業經營帶來巨大挑戰。儘管面臨重重困局,集團憑著穩健的經營根基、優質的產品品質、及時貼心的服務獲得優良的口碑及品牌形象,贏得眾多國內外戰略合作夥伴的認可和信任,為集團長期穩定健康發展奠定良好基礎。Interim DividendThe Board recommends an interim dividend of HK1 cent per share (30th September, 2022: interim dividend of HK1 cent) for the six months ended 30th September, 2023 payable on 21st February, 2024 to shareholders whose names appear on the Register of Members on 12th January, 2024.BUSINESS REVIEW AND PROSPECTSOverviewDuring the period under review, the global economic slowdown was partly due to unprecedented monetary tightening policy to curb inflation. The negative impact of the policy has begun to appear, but the spread among countries is uneven. The tightening credit environment is putting pressure on the real estate market, investment, and economic activities. In addition, the ongoing Russia-Ukraine war as well as th