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A Cool SummerBright Sunshine through the leaves of the gap, through the early fog, a wisp to sprinkle all over the campus. The Sun was lower, broad wave of light on the water, stretching from the edge of the sea to the edge of the boat.Choose Your Life stretching from the edge of the sea to the edge of the boat.Bright Sunshine through the leaves of the gap, through the early fog, a wisp to sprinkle all over the campus. The Sun was lower.夏日清新时尚风·——地产项目6月月度暖场系列活动方案 01.活动思路02.活动总述03.活动内容04.氛围布置Short Text Here目录Short Text HereShort Text HereShort Text Here 活动思路01Most of the food is a fission that is caused by the collision of different ingredients. If you look at the encounters of the ingredients in the world, some are the perfect combination of people's dreams, some are the touching encounters, and some are the knots of each other. stretching from the edge of the sea to the edge of the boat.A Cool SummerBright Sunshine through the leaves of the gap, through the early fog, a wisp to sprinkle all over the campus. The Sun was lower, broad wave of light on the water, stretching from the edge of the sea to the edge of the boat.Choose Your Life初夏风味,美好时光。这个六月,我们将共同度过六一儿童节、芒种、夏至、端午节、父亲节等时令与营销节点。在这个充满夏日活力与阳光的月度里,让我们同城市一起展开悦趣时光生活计划,打造一系列趣味的、温情的、暖心的美好夏日活动。 活动总述02Most of the food is a fission that is caused by the collision of different ingredients. If you look at the encounters of the ingredients in the world, some are the perfect combination of people's dreams, some are the touching encounters, and some are the knots of each other. stretching from the edge of the sea to the edge of the boat.A Cool SummerBright Sunshine through the leaves of the gap, through the early fog, a wisp to sprinkle all over the campus. The Sun was lower, broad wave of light on the water, stretching from the edge of the sea to the edge of the boat.Choose Your Life活动主题:初夏六月,悦趣时光活动时间:六月月度活动地点:营销中心参与人群:老业主、目标客户、意向客户,自然到访客户活动调性:童心、趣味、亲子、美好、狂欢、温情、活力、传承、民俗、夏日活动概况 stretching from the edge of the sea to the edge of the boat.A Cool Summer活动铺排第一周(6月1日前后)儿童节专场活动【筑梦童心·六一奇幻嘉年华】#玩物立志,重回旧时光##助力梦想,宝贝成长体验#....第二周(6月13日-6月14日)端午节专场活动【粽情声色·品味端午】#民俗体验##手作端午#...第四周(6月27日-6月28日)风情夏日专场活动【夏日限定·狂欢趴】#甜蜜一夏##喊你吃瓜#第三周 ( 6月19日-6月20日)父亲节专场活动【山无言·爱有声】#父爱纪录片##超人爸爸#.... 活动内容03Most of the food is a fission that is caused by the collision of different ingredients. If you look at the encounters of the ingredients in the world, some are the perfect combination of people's dreams, some are the touching encounters, and some are the knots of each other. stretching from the edge of the sea to the edge of the boat.I walked through many mountains, walked through many waters, and knew many people. The only thing that really makes me tempted is that you see me at the moment. But there is not too much extravagant hope, but I hope to have your heart, not to leave.A Cool SummerBright Sunshine through the leaves of the gap, through the early fog, a wisp to sprinkle all over the campus. The Sun was lower, broad wave of light on the water, stretching from the edge of the sea to the edge of the boat.Choose Your Life筑梦童心·六一奇幻嘉年华篇章一 stretching from the edge of the sea to the edge of the boat.A Cool Summer池塘边的榕树上,知了在声声叫着夏天,操场边的秋千上,只有蝴蝶停在上面,黑板上老师的粉笔,还在拼命唧唧喳喳写个不停,等待着下课,等待着放学,等待游戏的童年...... 一首《童年》,不知唤醒了多少人童年的回忆。感慨之余,我们的童年再也回不去了,但孩子们可以。因为他们正当时!这个六一,让我们筑梦童心,给孩子们更好的童年记忆!筑梦童心·六一奇幻嘉年华 stretching from the edge of the sea to the edge of the boat.A Cool Summer前期宣传活动前期线上发布8090年代童年胡同趣事照片唤醒人们隐藏深处的记忆与对童年时代的美好追忆同时提起孩子们的兴致 stretching from the edge of the sea to the edge of the boat.A Cool Summer线上发起#记忆中童年怎么玩##晒出你的童年#等话题讨论引发关注热议,预热六一为即将到来的活动宣传造势#记忆中童年怎么玩# stretching from the edge of the sea to the edge of the boat.A Cool Summer#玩物立志,重回旧时光#以青春的名义追溯时光,重现复古潮流。这个六一,让我们一同玩物立志,重回旧时光! stretching from the edge of the sea to the edge of the boat.A Cool Summer#玩物立志,重回旧时光#花式复古游戏机重返XX!超级玛丽、魂斗罗、冒险岛...一句久违的“ READY ? GO ! ”让那些年少回忆铺天盖地而来。一个红白机,一台显示器,爸爸麻麻与宝贝们一起搭配闯关,因过关而欢呼,在游戏的世界,快乐就是这么简单。 stretching from the edge of the sea to the edge of the boat.A Cool Summer#玩物立志,重回旧时光#还有小朋友们最爱的娃娃机,整整齐齐排成一排,在这里,有各种小礼物和儿童玩具,复古艺术品等着你哦。 stretching from the edge of the sea to the edge of the boat.A Cool Summer#娃娃机礼品建议# stretching from the edge of the sea to the edge of the boat.A Cool Summer活动概况#助力梦想,宝贝成长体验#小时候的我们也盼着长大那时候,我们还不知道什么是梦想这个儿童节让我们助力梦想,打造宝贝成长职业体验主题活动让孩子度过一个不一样的儿童节! stretching from the edge of the sea to the edge of the boat.A Cool Summer活动概况#助力梦想,宝贝成长体验#现场将提供高仿真设施道具和模拟场地,其中设有医院、交通队、警察局、飞机场、餐厅等社会设施,在专业老师的指导下孩子们能够在不同职业体验主题中扮演梦想中的职业角色。小小白衣天使在这里,孩子们还可以成为一名医生,救死扶伤! stretching from the edge of the sea to the edge of the boat.A Cool Summer活动概况#助力梦想,宝贝成长体验#警察局——在这里,孩子们穿上了小警服,威风凛凛,现场巡逻! stretching from the edge of the sea to the edge of the boat.A Cool Summer活动概况#助力梦想,宝贝成长体验#在餐厅中,小朋友学习主厨任务,了解食材知识,学做烘焙... stretching from the edge of the sea to the edge of the boat.A Cool Summer活动概况小丑嘉年华活动期间安排梦幻的气球小丑,瞬间引燃来宾们的热情。与气球小丑石头剪子布,赢了即可获得一个创意气球。 stretching from the edge of the sea to the edge of the boat.A Cool Summer活动概况主题茶歇活动现场准备六一定制茶歇在玩乐的同时 照顾