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七夕丨情人节主题露营联谊脱单派对活动 目录CONTENS活动亮点01 氛围营造02活动主体03活动宣传04 01PART活动亮点•活动亮点•活动宣传•氛围营造•活动主体 •注意事项Creative strategyAtmosphere creationActive subjectActivity publicityMatters needing attention 活动亮点 Activity highlightsThe trio of national cellar/beach/camping belongs to spring alone!East Lake to see the sea, is not a joke, white waves chasing the beach, roaming the rocks, the water under the glittering clear.Brand new campground, fancy water-friendly facilities, pedal water bikes, rowing net red transparent boats.Climbing the lake island to shoot a big picture, swinging on the water swing to watch the sunset.Experience the beautiful beach, tents, barbecue, transparent boats and other comfortable and cozy .....This is the first choice for home travel, brew a whole spring together.亮点一 活动亮点 Activity highlightsThe trio of national cellar/beach/camping belongs to spring alone!East Lake to see the sea, is not a joke, white waves chasing the beach, roaming the rocks, the water under the glittering clear.Brand new campground, fancy water-friendly facilities, pedal water bikes, rowing net red transparent boats.Climbing the lake island to shoot a big picture, swinging on the water swing to watch the sunset.Experience the beautiful beach, tents, barbecue, transparent boats and other comfortable and cozy .....This is the first choice for home travel, brew a whole spring together.亮点二 活动亮点 Activity highlightsThe trio of national cellar/beach/camping belongs to spring alone!East Lake to see the sea, is not a joke, white waves chasing the beach, roaming the rocks, the water under the glittering clear.Brand new campground, fancy water-friendly facilities, pedal water bikes, rowing net red transparent boats.Climbing the lake island to shoot a big picture, swinging on the water swing to watch the sunset.Experience the beautiful beach, tents, barbecue, transparent boats and other comfortable and cozy .....This is the first choice for home travel, brew a whole spring together.亮点三 活动亮点 Activity highlightsThe trio of national cellar/beach/camping belongs to spring alone!East Lake to see the sea, is not a joke, white waves chasing the beach, roaming the rocks, the water under the glittering clear.Brand new campground, fancy water-friendly facilities, pedal water bikes, rowing net red transparent boats.Climbing the lake island to shoot a big picture, swinging on the water swing to watch the sunset.Experience the beautiful beach, tents, barbecue, transparent boats and other comfortable and cozy .....This is the first choice for home travel, brew a whole spring together.亮点四 活动亮点 Activity highlightsThe trio of national cellar/beach/camping belongs to spring alone!East Lake to see the sea, is not a joke, white waves chasing the beach, roaming the rocks, the water under the glittering clear.Brand new campground, fancy water-friendly facilities, pedal water bikes, rowing net red transparent boats.Climbing the lake island to shoot a big picture, swinging on the water swing to watch the sunset.Experience the beautiful beach, tents, barbecue, transparent boats and other comfortable and cozy .....This is the first choice for home travel, brew a whole spring together.亮点五 活动流程 Activity flow16:00-16:30 集合、签到入场16:30-17:00 暖场丨市集17:00-18:00 游戏互动、交友联谊、拍照18:00-20:00 酒桌游戏、自助烧烤BBQ、酒水自助20:00-21:30 烛光音乐会、星光影院、篝火晚会22:00- 返程 02PART活动宣传•活动亮点•活动宣传•氛围营造•活动主体 •注意事项Creative strategyAtmosphere creationActive subjectActivity publicityMatters needing attention 活动海报 活动海报提前出街,在各大年轻人聚集的社交平台上进行宣传,提前招募单人青年并制造话题舆论。活动宣传 Activity publicity 抖音推广 拍摄剪辑创意短视频,在抖音等各大社交平台进行宣传扩大知名度!活动宣传 Activity publicity 网络博主宣传 邀请网红博主到现场游玩,并在小红书上发布笔记吸引更多人到现场!活动宣传 Activity publicity 03PART氛围营造•活动亮点•活动宣传•氛围营造•活动主体 •注意事项Creative strategyAtmosphere creationActive subjectActivity publicityMatters needing attention 氛围营造 Atmosphere creationØ活动场地规划示意 主体活动区域规划布置,打造一场浪漫惬意的露营派对场地 Ø主题活动门头 活动现场搭建主题活动门头,营造本场活动的仪式感和氛围感。氛围营造 Atmosphere creation 氛围营造 Atmosphere creationØ活动签到墙 结合主题以鲜花,艺术气球装点布置小清新风格的签到墙,营造浪漫的活动氛围。 氛围营造 Atmosphere creationØ活动签到台 结合主题以鲜花,艺术气球装点布置小清新风格的签到墙,营造浪漫的活动氛围。 Ø露营区域 现场用具有浪漫气息的气球装饰现场氛围,打造情人节专属的浪漫节日氛围!氛围营造 Atmosphere creation Ø市集区域 现场布置精致文艺的市集打卡区域,各种创意的摊位等你来打卡发现氛围营造 Atmosphere creation Ø单身派对区域 网上交友太虚拟,线下相亲略尴尬,那就来脱单露营节吧,开怀畅聊,寻找闪闪发光的人。氛围营造 Atmosphere creation Ø打卡DP点 有格调的小景,高级又温柔,氛围感满满!氛围营造 Atmosphere creation Ø帐篷区域 以鲜花、气球点缀装饰帐篷区域,打造出浪漫时尚的节日氛围!氛围营造 Atmosphere creation Ø星光影院 有坪上的露天电影,是这个情人节美妙的限定!氛围营造 Atmosphere creation Ø灯光营造 有充满浪漫的星星灯布置点缀帐篷露营区域、市集区域、打造浪漫的节日氛围!氛围营造 Atmosphere creation Ø精致茶歇 活动现场布置浪漫精致的茶歇甜品区域,甜蜜的美好藏在草地各处,这是送给你宠溺的偏爱!氛围营造 Atmosphere creation 04PART活动主体•活动亮点•活动宣传•氛围营造•活动主体 •注意事项Creative strategyAtmosphere creationActive subjectActivity publicityMatters needing attention 活动主体 Active subject嘉宾在签到处使用拍立得拍摄照片一张在空白处写上个人情况及对意中人的描述贴到签到墙上参与嘉宾均能从此处对参与者有初步了解活动结束后未牵手成功的嘉宾可从信息中挑选符合自己要求的嘉宾照片带走或许一份特殊的缘分即将开始Ø活动签到 各种创意签到,让朋友们认识下可爱的你!活动主体 Active subject Ø乐队暖场