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Annual Report2022年報 Lockpage不要加減版 Lockpage不要加減版CONTENTSCONTENTS目錄目錄3Chairman‘s Statement 主席報告書5Management Discussion and Analysis 管理層討論及分析10Biographical Details of Directors and Senior Management 董事及高級管理層資料16Corporate Governance Report 企業管治報告Reports and Financial Statements 報告書及財務報表39– Report of the Directors 董事會報告書64– Independent Auditor’s Report 獨立核數師報告書70– Consolidated Statement of Profit or Loss 綜合損益表71– Consolidated Statement of Profit or Loss and Other Comprehensive Income 綜合損益及其他全面收益表72– Consolidated Statement of Financial Position 綜合財務狀況表74– Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity 綜合權益變動表75– Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows 綜合現金流量表77– Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements 綜合財務報表附註152Five-Year Financial Summary 五年財務概要154Corporate Information 公司資料156Shareholder Information 股東資料CONTENTS目錄 CREATINGSHAREHOLDERVALUE為股東創造更高價值 CHAIRMAN’S STATEMENT主席報告書道和環球集團有限公司 二零二二年年報03Lockpage不要加減版本人謹代表董事會欣然提呈Daohe Global Group Limited道和環球集團有限公司(「本公司」, 連 同其附屬公司統稱「本集團」或「道和環球」)截至二零二二年十二月三十一日止年度的全年業績。二零二二年上半年,受惠前年客戶看好業務前景而提前確定訂單,本集團貿易及供應鏈管理服務業務理想。然而,其後環球經濟因受到俄烏戰爭、高通脹、能源價格飆升、各地貨幣緊縮政策等多項因素拖累,普遍下行。美國、中國和歐盟等主要經濟體消費能力萎縮,全球貿易因而受到打擊。面對環球經濟陷入憂慮衰退的情緒,消費意慾收縮,零售客戶需時消化上半年已囤積的存貨,新訂單數目因而明顯減少,此對集團業務的影響在二零二二年下半年逐步浮現和顯著。整體而言,本集團貿易及供應鏈管理服務年內的表現仍有所增長,付運量總值錄得輕微增長。經營網上社交平台業務方面,由於國內2019冠狀病毒病疫情(「疫情」)於上半年升溫,面臨嚴峻疫情,多個省份實施封城措施,商店關閉、網上直播活動受限,甚至遊戲玩具產品送貨等線下物流都變得困難重重,令本集團網上社交平台營運大受影響。另外,鑒於經濟環境欠佳,消費者情緒受影響,致網絡遊戲及潮流玩具產品的消費意慾進一步被拖低。回顧年內,若干網上社交平台更收緊規例,影響本集團吸納新遊戲用戶,同時潮流玩具產品方面亦面對上海監管機構推出新合規指引,業務承受的壓力加重。結合以上各種原因,再加上市場競爭持續激烈,本集團網上社交平台業務表現於年內受挫。On behalf of the board of directors, I am pleased to present the annual results of Daohe Global Group Limited (the “Company”, together with its subsidiaries, the “Group” or “Daohe Global”) for the year ended 31 December 2022.In the first half of 2022, the Group’s trading and supply chain management services business was satisfactory, benefiting from the early confirmation of orders from customers who were optimistic about the business prospects in the previous year. Since then, however, the global economy was dragged down by a number of factors in general, including the Russia-Ukraine war, high inflation, soaring energy prices and worldwide monetary tightening policies. Global trade was bombarded by withering consumption in major economies such as USA, China and the European Union. In facing the recession concerns over the global economy and contracting consumer sentiment, it took time for retail customers to assimilate inventory accumulated in the first half year, and resulted in significant reduction in new orders, thus the impact on the Group’s business was gradually emerging and becoming significant in the second half of 2022. Overall, the performance of the Group’s trading and supply chain management services still attained its growth during the year, with a slight increase in total shipment value.For the operation of online social platforms business, the Group’s operation of online social platforms was significantly affected by the escalating COVID-19 pandemic (the “pandemic”) in the PRC in the first half year, which led to lockdown measures in many provinces in the face of acute epidemic situation, shops closed, restriction of live streaming activities, and the difficulty of offline logistics such as the delivery of games and toys products. Moreover, in view of the unfavorable economic environment, consumer sentiments were affected, with consumption desire for online games and pop toys products further dragged down. During the year under review, some online social media platforms tightened their regulations, and affected the Group’s ability to attract new game users. Also, the pop toys products faced new compliance guidelines from the regulators in Shanghai, which had exerted further pressure on our business. Combining the aforesaid reasons and augmented by continuous fierce market competition, the performance of the Group’s online social platforms business suffered a setback during the year. 04Daohe Global Group LimitedAnnual Report 2022Lockpage不要加減版CHAIRMAN’S STATEMENT主席報告書展望未來,管理層預計二零二三年對集團貿易和供應鏈管理服務業務而言,將是具挑戰性的一年,尤其是在上半年度,環球經濟前景的不明朗,將影響消費意慾,加上大多數客戶的庫存仍處於高水平,客戶下單時會採取更謹慎的觀望態度,集團預計上半年的訂單需求將持續疲弱。同時,美元強勢及相對亞洲國家貨幣貶值,亦促使歐美客戶紛紛要求集團降價,亦為集團營運帶來壓力,此整體情況預計於二零二三年上半年維持。然而,隨著環球經濟逐步復甦及環球貨存消化後訂單恢復,貿易量有望於二零二三年下半年逐漸回升。集團將繼續與客戶及供應鏈合作夥伴緊密合作,提供全面的增值服務以滿足客戶需求。網上社交平台業務方面,隨著二零二二年底內地放寬防疫措施限制,加上中央政府大力刺激本土消費的明確政策方針推出後,新用戶數目和遊戲代幣銷售有望回升。本集團將繼續透過與其他網上平台合作,專注通過改善及擴大銷售和分銷渠道、引入嶄新和靈活的新功能、及進行系統升級,以提升遊戲質素和用戶體驗,增加用戶數量以推動收入增加。同時,集團亦將繼續積極開發更多創新產品,刺激銷售,鞏固本集團的競爭力和市場地位。董事們將保持謹慎的態度,密切留意宏觀經濟發展,並繼續加強與客戶及供應鏈合作夥伴及其他網上平台的緊密合作,適時相應調整業務策略,並嚴格控制成本,確保集團維持健康的財務狀況,實現長期可持續增長。最後,本人謹藉此機會衷心感謝董事會、管理團隊及員工,在面對疫情及經濟環境的持續衝擊下,仍能處變不驚,發揮團隊精神,同時感謝客戶、業務夥伴及股東一直以來對本集團的信任和支持。周希儉主席香港,二零二三年三月三十日Looking ahead, the man



道和环球2022 中期报告








