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蓝河控股2022 年报

蓝河控股2022 年报

藍河控股有限公司BLUE RIVER HOLDINGS LIMITED(Incorporated in Bermuda with limited liability)Stock Code 股份代號: 0498.HK(於百慕達註冊成立之有限公司)ANNUAL REPORT 2022 年報C127090BLUE RIVER HOLDINGS LIMITED 藍河控股有限公司 ANNUAL REPORT 2022 年報 Based in Hong Kong, Blue River Holdings Limited is principally engaged in, inter alia, providing comprehensive engineering and property-related services through Paul Y. Engineering Group Limited, land and property development and investment in the People’s Republic of China (the “PRC”), development and operation of ports, infrastructure, gas distribution and logistics facilities in the PRC, as well as securities trading and investment, and provision of financing related services.Blue River Holdings Limited藍河控股有限公司以香港為基地,主要從事(其中包括)透 過Paul Y. Engineering Group Limited保華建業集團有限公司提供全面的工程及物業相關服務、於中華人民共和國(「中國」)進行土地和房產開發及投資、於中國進行港口、基礎建設、燃氣分銷及物流設施之發展及營運,以及證券交易和投資,並提供融資相關服務。 目錄CONTENTSCorporate InformationChairman’s StatementBusiness ReviewProfile of Board of DirectorsCorporate Governance ReportEnvironmental, Social and Governance ReportDirectors’ ReportIndependent Auditor’s ReportConsolidated Income StatementConsolidated Statement of Comprehensive IncomeConsolidated Statement of Financial PositionConsolidated Statement of Changes In EquityConsolidated Statement of Cash FlowsNotes to the Consolidated Financial StatementsFinancial SummaryParticulars of Principal Properties公司資料主席報告書業務審視董事局簡介企業管治報告環境、社會及管治報告董事局報告書獨立核數師報告書綜合收益表綜合全面收益表綜合財務狀況表綜合權益變動表綜合現金流量表綜合財務報表附註財務概要主要物業詳情269394882118138147149150153156160371372 CORPORATE INFORMATION公司資料2Blue River Holdings Limited 2022 Annual ReportBOARD OF DIRECTORSExecutive DirectorsKwong Kai Sing, Benny (Chairman)Au Wai JuneMarc Andreas Tschirner (Managing Director)Sam Nickolas David Hing Cheong (Vice Chairman)Independent Non-Executive DirectorsMa Ka KiWilliam Nicholas GilesYu Chung Leung (appointed with effect from 1 August 2022)Lam John Cheung-wah (appointed with effect from 1 August 2022)Leung Chung Ki (resigned with effect from 1 August 2022)BOARD COMMITTEESAudit CommitteeMa Ka Ki (Chairman)William Nicholas GilesYu Chung Leung (appointed with effect from 1 August 2022)Lam John Cheung-wah (appointed with effect from 1 August 2022)Leung Chung Ki (resigned with effect from 1 August 2022)Remuneration CommitteeMarc Andreas TschirnerSam Nickolas David Hing CheongMa Ka Ki (Chairman)William Nicholas GilesYu Chung Leung (appointed with effect from 1 August 2022)Lam John Cheung-wah (appointed with effect from 1 August 2022)Leung Chung Ki (resigned with effect from 1 August 2022)董事局執行董事鄺啟成(主席)柯偉俊Marc Andreas Tschirner(總裁)沈慶祥(副主席)獨立非執行董事馬嘉祺William Nicholas Giles余仲良 (自2022年8月1日起獲委任)藍章華 (自2022年8月1日起獲委任)梁松基 (自2022年8月1日起辭任)董事局委員會審核委員會馬嘉祺(主席)William Nicholas Giles余仲良 (自2022年8月1日起獲委任)藍章華 (自2022年8月1日起獲委任)梁松基 (自2022年8月1日起辭任)薪酬委員會Marc Andreas Tschirner沈慶祥馬嘉祺(主席)William Nicholas Giles余仲良 (自2022年8月1日起獲委任)藍章華 (自2022年8月1日起獲委任)梁松基 (自2022年8月1日起辭任) 3藍河控股有限公司 2022年報CORPORATE INFORMATION公司資料提名委員會柯偉俊沈慶祥馬嘉祺(主席)William Nicholas Giles余仲良 (自2022年8月1日起獲委任)藍章華 (自2022年8月1日起獲委任)梁松基 (自2022年8月1日起辭任)企業管治及法規委員會柯偉俊Marc Andreas Tschirner馬嘉祺(主席)William Nicholas Giles余仲良 (自2022年8月1日起獲委任)藍章華 (自2022年8月1日起獲委任)梁松基 (自2022年8月1日起辭任)何詩雅股份回購委員會柯偉俊Marc Andreas Tschirner沈慶祥馬嘉祺(主席)William Nicholas Giles公司秘書何詩雅授權代表沈慶祥何詩雅陳狄強(替任沈慶祥及何詩雅) Nomination CommitteeAu Wai JuneSam Nickolas David Hing CheongMa Ka Ki (Chairman)William Nicholas GilesYu Chung Leung (appointed with effect from 1 August 2022)Lam John Cheung-wah (appointed with effect from 1 August 2022)Leung Chung Ki (resigned with effect from 1 August 2022)Corporate Governance and Compliance CommitteeAu Wai JuneMarc Andreas TschirnerMa Ka Ki (Chairman)William Nicholas GilesYu Chung Leung (appointed with effect from 1 August 2022)Lam John Cheung-wah (appointed with effect from 1 August 2022)Leung Chung Ki (resigned with effect from 1 August 2022)Ho Sze Nga, MaggieShare Repurchase CommitteeAu Wai JuneMarc Andreas TschirnerSam Nickolas David Hing CheongMa Ka Ki (Chairman)William Nicholas GilesCOMPANY SECRETARYHo Sze Nga, MaggieAUTHORISED REPRESENTATIVESSam Nickolas David Hing CheongHo Sze Nga, MaggieChan Dik Keung, William(Alternate to Sam Nickolas David Hing Cheong and Ho Sze Nga, Maggie) 4Blue River Holdings Limited 2022 Annual ReportCORPORATE INFORMATION公司資料核數師國富浩華(香港)會計師事務所有限公司執業會計師註冊公眾利益實體核數師主要往來銀行盤谷銀行香港分行中國銀行(香港)有限公司中國銀行,澳門分行法國巴黎銀行中國建設銀行(亞洲)股份有限公司中信銀行(國際)有限公司中信銀行(國際)有限公司澳門分行中信銀行(國際)有限公司新加坡分行創興銀行有限公司大新銀行有限公司星展銀行有限公司星展銀行(中國)有限公司,北京分行恒生銀行有限公司恒生銀行(中國)有限公司,北京分行上海商業銀行有限公司東亞銀行有限公司東亞銀行有限公司,澳門分行東亞銀行(中國)有限公司,北京分行香港上海滙豐銀行有限公司大華銀行有限公司,香港分行法律顧問翁震寰律師事務所康德明律師事務所(百慕達)財務顧問亞貝隆資本有限公司AUDITORCrowe (HK) CPA LimitedCertified Public AccountantsRegistered Public Interest Entity AuditorsPRINCIPAL BANKERSBangkok Bank Public Company Limited, Hong Kong BranchBank of China (Hong Kong) LimitedBank of China, Macau BranchBNP ParibasChina Construction Bank (Asia) Corporation LimitedChina CITIC Bank International LimitedChina





蓝河控股2023 年报


蓝河控股2021 年报


