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Annual Report 年報21/22 香港興業國際集團有限公司 21/22 年報01Contents目錄02 Corporate Profile04 Highlights of the Year06 Awards and Recognition08 Chairman’s Statement16 Management Discussion and Analysis36 Board of Directors44 Directors’ Report66 Corporate Governance Report89 Financial Highlights90 Financial Review96 Independent Auditor’s Report106 Consolidated Statement of Profit or Loss107 Consolidated Statement of Profit or Loss and Other Comprehensive Income108 Consolidated Statement of Financial Position110 Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity112 Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows114 Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements252 Five-Year Financial Summary253 Particulars of Major Properties Corporate Information and Investors’ Calendar公司簡介年度大事摘要獎項及嘉許主席報告管理層討論及分析董事會董事會報告企業管治報告財務概要財務回顧獨立核數師報告綜合損益表綜合損益及其他全面收益表綜合財務狀況表綜合權益變動表綜合現金流量表綜合財務報表附註五年財務概要主要物業詳情公司資料及投資者日誌 Our Vision,Mission & Values我們的願景、 使命和價值觀02HKR International Limited Annual Report 21/22Corporate Profile公司簡介Vision願景Mission使命Values價值觀To be the pioneer of innovative living space執業界牛耳 創生活空間We strive to create a healthy, stylish and distinctive living experience through teamwork and passionate pursuit of innovation and excellence群策群力、創新為先、卓越為求、健康為本,獨樹風格生活體驗PIONEERBreak new grounds推陳出新INTEGRITYUphold high ethicalstandards堅守誠信RESPECTValue the individual and cherish our environment尊人重土DEVOTIONBe committed andpassionate傾心傾「誠」INNOVATIONThink outside the box不同凡「想」EXCELLENCEConsistency in the pursuit of our quality standards止於至善– PRI2DE 香港興業國際集團有限公司 21/22 年報03HKR International Limited (“HKRI” or the “Company”) is a conglomerate in Hong Kong, together with its subsidiaries (collectively, the “Group“), with interests in diversified businesses, focusing on real estate development and investment, property management, luxury hotels and other investments in Hong Kong, mainland China and across Asia. HKRI’s comprehensive portfolio includes Discovery Bay and CDW Building in Hong Kong; HKRI Taikoo Hui in Shanghai, and a number of premium residential properties under development in Shanghai, Jiaxing and Hangzhou. We aim at further growing a balanced portfolio to maximise the Company’s value for shareholders. At HKRI, we strive to create a healthy, stylish and distinctive living experience through teamwork and an unwavering commitment to innovation and excellence. We believe sustainability is one of the most important ways to make a business and community viable. Guided by our core values, we are devoted to making a positive contribution to the communities, promoting sustainable development and creating a better living environment.香港興業國際集團有限公司(「香港興業國際」或「本公司」)及其附屬公司(統稱「集團」)在香港、中國內地及亞洲從事多元化業務,主要包括地產發展及投資、物業管理、豪華酒店及其他投資項目。香港興業國際業務遍布亞洲,包括香港愉景灣及中染大廈、上海興業太古滙,以及位於上海、嘉興及杭州的多項優質發展中住宅項目。本公司致力進一步平衡業務發展,為股東創造最高價值。透過團隊合作、堅持創新及追求卓越,香港興業國際努力創造健康時尚的優質生活體驗。我們深信可持續發展為業務及社區發展的最重要一環,並會堅守企業核心價值,為社會作出貢獻,推動可持續發展,造就更美好的生活環境。 04HKR International Limited Annual Report 21/22> Acquired a residential redevelopment project on Hollywood Road and Upper Lascar Row 購入位於荷李活道及摩羅上街之住宅重建項目APR 2021四月> Lantau Yacht Club, an addition to the premium membership clubs in Discovery Bay, became fully operational Lantau Yacht Club全面啟用,愉景灣優質會所再添新猷> Consent of assignment for IL PICCO was issued and handover of units to purchasers commenced 愉景灣意峰獲發轉讓許可,開始交付予買家> Land premium for the land plot in Lin’an District, Hangzhou was fully settled by instalments and the site was officially handed over 以分期方式全數支付杭州市臨安區用地的 地價,並已正式交付Highlights of the Year年度大事摘要> DB Ice Rink, an international-standard ice rink that features state-of-the-art amenities, opened to public 愉景灣溜冰場隆重開幕,屬國際級溜冰場,並設有世界頂級設備MAY 2021五月JUN 2021六月> Completed renovation of the commercial project West Gate Tower in Cheung Sha Wan 長沙灣商業項目西港都會中心完成翻新> Accepted the Government’s offer of basic terms and a land premium for the Discovery Bay Master Plan 7.0E 接納政府就愉景灣總綱圖則第7. 0 E號提出的 基本條款及補地價建議JUL 2021七月 香港興業國際集團有限公司 21/22 年報05> Won the bid for a residential site in Songjiang District, Shanghai 成功投得上海市松江區住宅用地> Secured planning permit to change the land use of United Daily News Centre in To Kwa Wan from industrial to residential 土瓜灣聯合報大廈獲批由工業改為住宅用途NOV 2021十一月> Application for the change of land use for Discovery Bay Area 6f into residential buildings was accepted by the Town Planning Board 愉景灣6f地段獲城市規劃委員會批准更改土地用途為住宅JAN 2022一月> Entered into agreement to dispose of healthcare business to further consolidate the Group’s businesses 訂立協議出售醫療業務,進一步整合集團業務> Entered into agreements to dispose of the remaining investment properties in Japan for a profitable return 訂立協議出售日本餘下投資物業,以獲得 可觀回報FEB 2022二月SEP 2021九月> Entered into an agreement to acquire office units and the right of use of parking lots at Jinsha INCITY in Hangzhou 訂立協議以收購杭州市金沙印象城的辦公室 單位及停車泊位使用權> Entered into agreements to dispose