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Annual Report 2021年度報告 Vision 願景Strive to become the leading manufacturer of packaging products of integrated consumer goods in China致力成為中國綜合消費品包裝行業領導者 Financial Highlights財務摘要CPMC Holdings Limited 中糧包裝控股有限公司For the year ended 31 December截至12月31日止年度Variance20212020差異RMB’ 000RMB’000%人民幣千元人民幣千元 Revenue 收入9,566,3827,344,74730.2Profit attributable to equity holders of the Company本公司股本持有人 應佔利潤462,498389,38818.8 RMBRMB人民幣人民幣 Earnings per share 每股盈利0.4150.34520.3 人民幣Revenue收入EBITDA稅息折舊及攤銷前盈利Profit attributable to equity holders of the Company本公司股本持有人應佔利潤Earnings per share每股盈利人民幣千元RMB’000人民幣千元RMB’000人民幣千元RMB’000RMB2020202120192018201701,000,0002,000,0003,000,0004,000,0005,000,0006,000,0007,000,0009,000,0008,000,0007,287,2717,344,7479,566,382462,4986,591,3075,978,23820202021201920182017050,000100, 000150, 000200, 000250, 000300, 000500, 000400, 000450, 000350, 000255, 061302, 090310, 511389,3880. 400.350.300.260.2590.2170.3450.415202020212019201820170100,000200,000300,000800,000700,000600,000500,000400,0001,000,000900,0001,100,000729,652887,7391,011,0171,071,883744,88720202021201920182017 Contents目錄 Corporate Information2公司資料98 Highlights in 202142021年大事回顧100 Chairman’s Letter6主席致函102 General Manager’s Report8總經理報告104 Management Discussion and Analysis10管理層論述及分析106 Corporate Governance Report20企業管治報告116 Environmental, Social and Governance Report38環境、社會及管治報告134 Directors and Senior Management Profile79董事及高級管理人員簡介175 Report of the Directors84董事會報告180 Independent Auditor’s Report194獨立核數師報告194 Audited Consolidated Financial Statements經審核綜合財務報表Consolidated:綜合:Statement of Profit or Loss204損益表204Statement of Comprehensive Income205全面收益表205Statement of Financial Position206財務狀況表206Statement of Changes in Equity208權益變動表208Statement of Cash Flows209現金流量表209 Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements211綜合財務報表附註211 Five-Year Financial Summary314五年財務概要314 Corporate InformationCONTENTSCORPORATEINFORMATIONHIGHLIGHTSIN 2021CHAIRMAN'SLETTERGENERALMANAGER'SREPORT2CPMC Holdings LimitedDIRECTORSEXECUTIVE DIRECTORSMr. ZHANG Xin (Chairman)Mr. ZHANG Ye (General Manager)NON-EXECUTIVE DIRECTORSMr. LI Minghua (resigned on 18 January 2022)Mr. CHEN Qianzheng (resigned on 18 January 2022)Dr. ZHAO Wei (appointed on 18 January 2022)Mr. MENG Fanjie (appointed on 18 January 2022)Mr. ZHOU YuanMr. SHEN TaoINDEPENDENT NON-EXECUTIVE DIRECTORSMr. CHENG Yuk WoMr. PUN Tit ShanMr. CHEN JihuaAUDIT COMMITTEEMr. CHENG Yuk Wo (Committee Chairman)Mr. ZHOU YuanMr. CHEN JihuaREMUNERATION COMMITTEEMr. PUN Tit Shan (Committee Chairman)Mr. SHEN TaoMr. CHENG Yuk WoNOMINATION COMMITTEEMr. ZHANG Xin (Committee Chairman)Mr. CHENG Yuk WoMr. PUN Tit ShanRISK MANAGEMENT COMMITTEEMr. CHEN Jihua (Committee Chairman)Mr. CHEN Qianzheng (resigned on 18 January 2022)Mr. MENG Fanjie (appointed on 18 January 2022)Mr. ZHANG YeCOMPANY SECRETARYMr. YIM Ming Chung (CPA, ACG, ACS)AUDITORBaker Tilly Hong Kong Limited (Certified Public Accountants) CONTENTSCORPORATEINFORMATIONHIGHLIGHTSIN 2021CHAIRMAN'SLETTERGENERALMANAGER'SREPORT3Annual Report 2021Corporate InformationLEGAL ADVISORLoong & YeungPRINCIPAL BANKERSAgricultural Bank of China LimitedBank of Communications Co., Ltd.Bank of China LimitedBank of China (Hong Kong) LimitedChina Construction Bank CorporationCoöperatieve Rabobank U.A.DBS Bank LimitedIndustrial and Commercial Bank of China Ltd.Mizuho Bank, Ltd.Sumitomo Mitsui Banking CorporationMUFG Bank, Ltd.REGISTERED OFFICE33rd Floor, COFCO Tower262 Gloucester RoadCauseway Bay, Hong KongHEAD OFFICENo. 160, Weiken StreetHangzhou Economic and Technical Development ZoneHangzhou, Zhejiang ProvinceThe PRCHONG KONG SHARE REGISTRARComputershare Hong Kong Investor Services LimitedShops 1712–171617th Floor, Hopewell Centre183 Queen’s Road East, Wanchai, Hong KongCOMPANY WEBSITEwww.cofco-pack.comSTOCK CODEThe Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited: 00906Bloomberg: 906:HKReuters: 0906.HK Highlights in 2021CPMC Holdings LimitedCONTENTSCORPORATEINFORMATIONHIGHLIGHTSIN 2021CHAIRMAN'SLETTERGENERALMANAGER'SREPORT4040305In April, CPMC and Friendship Chemical signed a strategic cooperation agreement to deepen cooperation with strategic downstream customers through innovative cooperation mode.In May, CPMC held a seminar on “3+N” system technology innovation, continuously promoting CPMC’s R&D innovation system, innovation capability, innovation execution and innovation capacity cultivation.In April, Lu Jun, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group of COFCO and Chairman of COFCO, conducted research investigation at CPMC headquarters in Hangzhou.In May, the second production line of Wuhan can-making project was successfully launched.0102In April, the second production line of Tianjin can-making project was successfully launched. Annual Report 2021CONTENTSCORPORATEINFORMATIONHIGHLIGHTSIN 2021CHAIRMAN'SLETTERGENERALMANAGER'SREPORT5Highlights in 2021060908In May, CPMC and Gunuo (Ti









