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文化传信中期报告 2021/2022

文化传信中期报告 2021/2022

2021-2022中期報告 INTERIM REPORT 中期業績報告 2021-2022文化傳信集團有限公司1CORPORATE INFORMATIONEXECUTIVE DIRECTORSMs. Chow Lai Wah Livia (Vice Chairman)Mr. Kwan Kin Chung (Managing Director)Mr. Yuen KinMr. Huang Mingguo (Chief Executive Officer) (resigned on 2 July 2021)INDEPENDENT NON-EXECUTIVE DIRECTORSMr. Wong Kwan KitMr. Fan Chun Wah AndrewMr. Mung Yat LikCHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICERMr. Sun Wei (appointed on 22 November 2021)COMPANY SECRETARYMs. Lee Yuk PingCORPORATE GOVERNANCE COMMITTEEMr. Kwan Kin ChungMs. Chow Lai Wah LiviaMr. Huang Mingguo (resigned on 2 July 2021)Ms. Hung Wai Kwan (resigned on 8 August 2021)AUDIT COMMITTEEMr. Wong Kwan KitMr. Fan Chun Wah AndrewMr. Mung Yat LikREMUNERATION COMMITTEEMr. Fan Chun Wah AndrewMs. Chow Lai Wah LiviaMr. Wong Kwan KitNOMINATION COMMITTEEMs. Chow Lai Wah LiviaMr. Fan Chun Wah AndrewMr. Wong Kwan KitPRINCIPAL BANKERSThe Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited公司資料執行董事周麗華女士(副主席)關健聰先生(董事總經理)袁 健先生黃明国先生(行政總裁) (於二零二一年七月二日辭任)獨立非執行董事黃昆杰先生范駿華先生蒙一力先生行政總裁孫 偉先生(於二零二一年十一月二十二日 獲委任)公司秘書李玉萍女士企業管治委員會關健聰先生周麗華女士黃明国先生(於二零二一年七月二日辭任)熊華君女士(於二零二一年八月八日辭任)審核委員會黃昆杰先生范駿華先生蒙一力先生薪酬委員會范駿華先生周麗華女士黃昆杰先生提名委員會周麗華女士范駿華先生黃昆杰先生主要往來銀行香港上海滙豐銀行有限公司 Culturecom Holdings LimitedInterim Report 2021-20222SOLICITORSMichael Li & Co.ApplebyAUDITORDeloitte Touche TohmatsuRegistered Public Interest Entity Auditors35th Floor, One Pacific Place88 QueenswaryHong KongREGISTERED OFFICEVictoria Place, 5th Floor31 Victoria StreetHamilton HM 10BermudaPRINCIPAL OFFICESuite 1502, 15/F,Far East Finance Centre,16 Harcourt Road, Admiralty,Hong KongPRINCIPAL REGISTRARMUFG Fund Services (Bermuda) Limited4th Floor North, Cedar House41 Cedar AvenueHamilton HM 12BermudaBRANCH REGISTRARComputershare Hong Kong Investor Services LimitedShops 1712-1716, 17th FloorHopewell Centre183 Queen’s Road EastWan ChaiHong KongCOMPANY WEBSITEwww.culturecom.com.hkSTOCK CODE343律師李智聰律師事務所Appleby核數師德勤•關黃陳方會計師行註冊公眾利益實體核數師香港金鐘道88號太古廣場一座35樓註冊辦事處Victoria Place, 5th Floor31 Victoria StreetHamilton HM 10Bermuda主要辦事處香港金鐘夏愨道16號遠東金融中心15樓1502室主要過戶登記處MUFG Fund Services (Bermuda) Limited4th Floor North, Cedar House41 Cedar AvenueHamilton HM 12Bermuda過戶登記處分處香港中央證券登記有限公司香港灣仔皇后大道東183號合和中心17樓1712-1716號舖公司網址www.culturecom.com.hk股份代號343 中期業績報告 2021-2022文化傳信集團有限公司3CHAIRMAN’S STATEMENTBUSINESS REVIEWDuring the interim period ended 30 September 2021, the Group had experienced a significant reduction in business volume on digital marketing business, revenue decreased from HK$79.6 million to HK$45.0 million, a decrease of 43.5%, comparing to corresponding period of last year. Covid-19 pandemic has affected the general economy, in particular the service sector. The core Intellectual Properties (“IPs”) related business and digital marketing (“Digital Marketing”) business was particularly hit hard, as the Group was gearing up for expansion. While the economy is facing a downward trend, the adverse effect on the core business of the Group is believed to be temporary and recovery is on the way; the Group will maintain, build and strengthen its marketing and technical team to serve its customers and expand on the scope of services, including the development and management of Multi-channel Networks (MCNs). The Group is forging a cooperative arrangement or joint venture, by direct applications of its digital marketing employing big data analyses, with an international advertising and marketing group. This working relationship will expand the scope of business and customer base of the Group, foster and quicken the transition of traditional marketing to direct digital marketing of our business partners or customers.Activities of digitalisation and commercialisation of IPs, content creation and digital marketing dropped substantially as gifts or accessories, promotional or hosting events almost grinded to a halt during the Covid-19 pandemic lockdowns. Business activities are reviving but very slowly.Due to lower business activities and recovery may take awhile, goodwill recognised through business acquisition and intangibles created through research and development activities and related to IPs and Digital Marketing of HK$2.7 million have been provided for during the interim period.主席報告書業務回顧於截至二零二一年九月三十日止中期期間,本集團之數碼化市場推廣業務量大幅減少,收入由79,600,000港元減少至45,000,000港元,較去年同期減少43.5%。2019冠狀病毒病疫症對整體經濟造成影響,當中尤以服務業為甚。由於本集團正進行拓展,核心知識產權(「知識產權」)相關業務及數碼化市場推廣(「數碼化市場推廣」)業務尤其備受打擊。儘管經濟呈現下行趨勢,但相信對本集團核心業務之不利影響只屬暫時性,且復甦曙光漸現;本集團將維持、建立及加強其市場推廣及技術團隊,以服務其客戶,並擴張服務範圍,包括開發及管理多頻道網絡(MCNs)。本集團現時與一間國際廣告及市場推廣集團透過運用大數據分析,直接應用其數碼化市場推廣以設立合作安排或合營企業。該合作關係將擴大本集團之業務範圍及客戶群,而在業務夥伴或客戶層面,此舉亦將促進並加快從傳統市場推廣轉型至直接數碼化市場推廣。由於2019冠狀病毒疫症封城期間,大部份禮品或配件、推廣或主持活動暫停,故知識產權數碼化及商業化、內容創作及數碼化市場推廣活動大幅減少。業務活動正逐步恢復,惟進展緩慢。由於業務活動減少且復甦可能需時,故透過收購業務確認之商譽以及透過研發活動及與知識產權及數碼化市場推廣相關而產生之無形資產2,700,000港元已於中期期間撥備。 Culturecom Holdings LimitedInter



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