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每日港股简评 年月日 大市分析 市场对中国及香港股市的乐观情绪一直提升,两地指数连续第三日上扬。反弹乃受到有关病毒情况出现进展的传言、疫苗正在产生作用及当局致力减缓传播速度所带动。另一方面,来自贸易战的好消息。中国昨日宣布,将对数以百计价值约750亿美元美国商品减半征收关税。根据中国财政部发表的声明,对部分美国商品征收的关税将由10%减至5%,而对其他征收的关税将由5%减至2.5%。有关调整将于2月14日生效。关税下调适用于2019年9月1日被征收关税的价值约750亿美元的美国进口商品。声明称此举是为促进中美贸易健康及稳定发展。美国财长努钦表示,美国或在第二阶段贸易协议中,下调对中国加征关税。 焦点板块 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 中国汽车 由于源自湖北省武汉的新型冠状病毒于农历新年假期期间进一步蔓延,中国中央及地方政府采取多项措施应付情况,包括限制国民流动及延长春节假期。有关措施增加供应链中断的风险。全国原始设备制造商厂房及零部件供应商已延长春节假期,当中大部分计划于下周恢复生产,即较原定计划迟超过一星期。市场认为,有关延迟将影响短期供应,尽管大部分消费者留在家中及减少消费致使需求不复存在。 中国/香港航空 港府于两天前发表关闭部分口岸的消息后公布最新入境限制。自2月8日起,所有中国入境者需强制检疫14日,但未有披露实施详情。乘坐飞机抵港的中国访客达到4.6百万名乘客,占2019年香港机场总载客量约6.6%。根据市场的估计,最坏的情况是,倘2020年全年并无中国访客乘坐飞机入境香港,国泰航空(293 HK)的最高乘客流失率约为1%,而中国国航(753 HK)、中国南方航空(1055 HK)及中国东方航空(670 HK)影响较微,将于2020年(估计)面对仅低于1%的乘客跌幅。 企业消息 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 小米集团-W (1810 HK) 根据pandaily.com,小米于京东商城的官方旗舰店宣布,将于2月14日推出小米10系列。由于爆发冠状病毒,小米已决定将发行仪式移至线上现场直播。根据媒体报道,小米10及小米10 Pro型号的定价分别可能是人民币3,599元及人民币3,999元。 日清食品 (1475 HK) 日清食品(2897 TYO)公布,其2019年中国分部第三方销售及分部经营利润分别按年计同比增长约8%及约47%(不包括外汇),高于市场对日清食品销售增长约4%及经营利润增长约30%的估计。该增长乃受到杯面的强劲销售表现及扩大业务带来成本效益所带动。 微盟集团 (2013 HK) 市场相信,微盟为零售商推出的商业云拥有强大的价值主张。除了软件服务订购之外,精准营销是微盟进行变现的其他途径,此举可加快业务拓展及带来正面盈利。未来的催化因素包括:(1)智慧零售产品盈利的最新 正面消息;(2)推出丰富产品组合的新服务;及(3)增加与社交媒体平台的合作。 同仁堂国药 (3613 HK) 2019年12月,香港的中草药零售销售按年计同比下跌9.8%,跌幅较11月按年计同比下跌23.1%收窄。有关数据与该公司管理层有关摆脱19年下半年首五个月的零售困境,于12月恢复开设新店的评论相符。 雅居乐集团 (3383 HK) 该公司2020年1月的预售总值为人民币50.2亿元(按年计同比-19%),相关建筑面积达300,000平方米(按年计同比-27%)。平均售价为每平方米人民币16,760元(按年计同比+13%)。 免责声明: 倘本报告中英文版本有任何歧义,概以英文版本为准。 DISCLAIMERS This Dim Sum Daily is prepared for general circulation and for information purposes only. It is not an investment research or a research recommendation, as it does not constitute substantive research or analysis. The material contained herein is intended as a general market commentary. Information contained herein is based on data obtained from recognized statistical services, issuer reports or communications, or other sources believed to be reliable. However, Kim Eng Securities (HK) Ltd, its subsidiary and affiliates (collectively, “Kim Eng (HK)”) do not independently verify such information and consequently no representation is made as to the accuracy or completeness of such information. Kim Eng (HK) does not take responsibility for any loss occasioned by reliance placed upon the contents hereof. Any statements nonfactual in nature constitute only current opinions, which are subject to change at any time without prior notice. Kim Eng (HK) or its officers, directors, analysts, or employees may, to the extent permitted by law, from time to time participate or invest in financing transaction with any company mentioned herein; may have positions in securities or commodities referred to herein, and may, as principal or agent, buy and sell such securities or commodities. An employee, analyst, officer, or a director of Kim Eng (HK) may serve as a director for companies mentioned in this email. Neither the information nor opinion expressed in this email shall constitute a solicitation to buy or sell any securities. There may be instances when fundamental, technical, and quantitative opinions may not be in concert. Kim Eng (HK) may from time to time perform investment banking or other services for, or solicit investment banking or other business from, any company mentioned in this email. This Dim Sum Daily is prepared for the use of Kim Eng (HK)’s clients and may not be reproduced, altered in any way, transmitted to, copied or distributed to any other party in whole or in part in any form or manner without the prior express written consent of Kim Eng (HK) and Kim Eng (HK) accepts no liability whatsoever for the actions of third parties in this respect. There are risks inherent in international investments, which may make such investments unsuitable for certain clients. These include, for example, economic, political, currency exchange rate fluctuations, and limited availability of information on international securities. Kim Eng (HK) recommends that you obtain the advice of your Financial Advisor regarding this or other investment in order to confirm to your financial resources and risk preference.











