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IDRP智能文档审阅平台 2支持多种文件格式,包括图像扫描文件,转换为文本格式利用先进的机器学习技术,快速处理、提取、验证和分析文档中的关键信息基于大量文本进行深入的分析实时洞察潜在的风险、趋势及异常批量将多个文件与基准文件作对比快速识别大量文件中的增删改改变文档审阅的方式 3平台特性专业人员获益支持多种文件格式,包括图片和扫描件从电子文档中自动抽取信息利用机器学习技术从文件中抽取关键信息节省时间,无需阅读数千文本搜寻信息支持将抽取出的关键字段(以及编辑和注释)导出免去繁琐的手动输入比较大量文件中的关键信息帮助专业人员员直击高风险文件高效地审阅文件客户获益特色及优势快速识别一组文件与标准模板的差异获取给予整个文档集合的关键信息统计实时的、深入的洞察,通过分析发现潜在的风险 4支持多种文件类型系统覆盖的文件类型01销售合同收入合同采购合同租赁合同贷款抵押合同财务报告年报业务约定书法律函件房地产交易合同02030405060708091011评估/估值报告保险合同再保险协议雇佣合同121314在使用过程中不断学习会议纪要发票企业合并收购15161718联签表192021债务合同函证购销贸易票据主回购协议222324衍生品/利率衍生品代理销售协议金融工具协议252627分销协议有限股权权证...... 5使用中机器自学习初始化新的文件类型新建文件类型手动标记作为训练数据训练模型训练文件自动识别关键信息修正识别中的错误/遗漏后台自动更新模型新文件信息抽取模型平台具有自学习能力不断优化性能性能持续优化 About DeloitteDeloitte refers to one or more of Deloitte ToucheTohmatsu Limited (“DTTL”), its global network of member firms, and their related entities. DTTL (also referred to as “Deloitte Global”) and each of its member firms and their affiliated entities are legally separate and independent entities. DTTL does not provide services to clients. Please see www.deloitte.com/aboutto learn more.Deloitte Asia Pacific Limited is a company limited by guarantee and a member firm of DTTL. Members of Deloitte Asia Pacific Limited and their related entities provide services in Australia, Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, East Timor, Federated States of Micronesia, Guam, Indonesia, Japan, Laos, Malaysia, Mongolia, Myanmar, New Zealand, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Singapore, Thailand, The Marshall Islands, The NorthernMariana Islands, The People’s Republic of China (incl. Hong Kong SAR and Macau SAR), The Philippines and Vietnam, in each of which operations are conducted by separate and independent legal entities. The Deloitte brand entered the China market in 1917 with the opening of an office in Shanghai. Today, Deloitte China deliversa comprehensive range of audit & assurance, consulting, financial advisory, risk advisory and tax services to local, multinational and growthenterprise clients in China. Deloitte China has also made—and continues to make—substantial contributions to the development of China's accounting standards, taxation system and professional expertise. To learn more about how Deloitte makes an Impact that Matters in China, please connect with our social media platforms atwww2.deloitte.com/cn/en/social-media.Thiscommunication is for internal distribution and use only among personnel of Deloitte ToucheTohmatsu Limited, its member firms, and their related entities (collectively, the "Deloitte Network"). None of the Deloitte Network shall be responsible for any loss whatsoever sustained by any person who relies on this communication.© 2020. For information, contact Deloitte China.