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2014-02-28Liwen Chen华鑫期货自***

Please check the last page for disclaimer 1 2014-02-28 2130-2180日内区间震荡思路对待 Liwen Chen Research Analyst TEL:+86 21 63731009 Email:chenlw@shhxqh.com Day Movement at a Glance Index % Change SSE Composite 1.09 CSI 300 -0.31 IF 1402 -0.23 ETF 300 0.79 China Fortune Futures Co., Ltd. 28F, Shenxin Building 200 East Ninghai Road, Shanghai, China 200021 Hotline: +86 400 186 8822 Fax: +86 21 63731975 http://www.shhxqh.com Market Review 昨日期指呈现冲高回落走势,早盘小幅高开后震小幅震荡,现货货连续大跌之后逐步企稳,10:30左右,银行板块强势拉抬,期指一度冲击2170附近,临近中午有所回落。午后期现市场走势分化,期指表现疲软,并且震荡回落。而现货市场上证指数在两桶油的飙涨下大幅反弹,一度收复30日线,此后维持高位震荡态势,而沪深300表现疲软、创业板进一步回调。价差方面,期指持续贴水,说明上行乏力。 News 习近平:努力把我国建设成为网络强国; 习近平就京津冀发展提7要求:打破自家一亩三分地思维定式; 兴业银行停贷引发高层关注国务院要求摸底房地产融资; 315晚会总导演透露今年将重点关注互联网理财等; 韩联社报道朝鲜发射四枚短程导弹。 Index Futures Daily Report Index Futures Daily Report http://www.shhxqh.com Please check the last page for disclaimer 2 View 虽然整体波动区间趋窄,但昨日期指成交量进一步放大, 意味着市场多空双方均以短线快进快出为主,短期或陷入上下两难境地。随着上证指数的反弹,上方有一定套牢盘和获利盘涌出,上行压力逐步增大,那么期指也料将同步承压。虽然石化板块持续拉升对上证有一定提振,但其不属于沪深300的成分股,因此对期指影响不大,仍需看其他权重板块的表现。两会时间临近,些许市场有一定维稳,但期望不宜过高。今日操作上,2130-2180区间震荡短线操作思路对待。 Charts: Market Statistics for Thursday, February 27, 2014 Contract Open High Low Close ΔClose Settlement ΔSettlement Volume ΔVolume Open Interest ΔOpen Interest CSI300 2147.7 2164.3 2151.3 2163 5.63 68.7billion -30.3billion IF1403 2140.8 2157.8 2131.4 2149.8 -9.6 2149.8 -8.4 697334 101326 7561 IF1404 2152.0 2158.8 21330 2148.6 -11.8 2151.6 -8.6 5695 1231 6039 IF1406 2146.0 2158.4 2134。8 2149 -91.2 2150.2 -9.4 17927 16101 474 IF1409 2145 2160.0 2134.2 2150.6 -9.4 2152.2 -7.6 2245 4932 668 Source: Wind, Investment Consulting Department of China Fortune Futures Index Futures Daily Report http://www.shhxqh.com Please check the last page for disclaimer 3 前一个交易日沪深300指数放量冲高回落,即使上证翻红,但现货市场依然表现低迷。 石化板块、新能源汽车产业链上演涨停潮,煤炭、次新股等跌幅居前,权重板块表现低迷。 前20支权重股对现货指数跌幅贡献点为2.04,其余个股贡献点数为-11.34点。 2月27日,沪深两市共流出110亿元,其中沪市流出15亿元,深市流出95亿元。 Exibit 1: CSI300 by Minute Source:Wind,Research Department of China Fortune Futures Exibit2: Sectors Performance of CSI300 Source:Wind,Research Department of China Fortune Futures Exibit 3: Contribution from the 20 largest stocks to CSI300 Source:Wind,Research Department of China Fortune Futures Exibit 4: CSI300 by Daily Source:Wind,Research Department of China Fortune Futures Index Futures Daily Report http://www.shhxqh.com Please check the last page for disclaimer 4 前一个交易日期指加权指数放量弱势震荡,多空争夺激烈,后市仍有下行空间。 期指总持仓量小幅减持234手至116322手,成交持仓比有所回落。 前一个交易日1403合约与现货指数全天波动区间为[-16.36,-1.61],波动区间较大,盘中出现明显的套利机会,获利空间12点左右。 日内分时基差方面, 1406合约与现货指数全天波动区间为[-15.97,-0.61],盘中出现明显的套利机会,获利空间11点左右。 Exibit 5: IF 1310 by Minute Source:Wind,Research Department of China Fortune Futures Exibit 6: The Ratio of Volume and Position By Daily Source:Wind,Research Department of China Fortune Futures Exibit 7: IF 1403 and CSI300, Spread by Minute Source:Wind,Research Department of China Fortune Futures Exibit 8: IF 1406 and CSI300, Spread by Minute Source:Wind,Research Department of China Fortune Futures Index Futures Daily Report http://www.shhxqh.com Please check the last page for disclaimer 5 隔夜期现套利方面,1403合约运行时间较长,与现货指数收盘价差波动区间[-58,39],均值2.56,标准差18.1,无套利区间[-12,17],昨日期现价差尾盘由升水-14.2点转为6.8点,提示入场的期现套利单续持。 前一个交易日1404合约与1403合约基差波动区间为[-1.6,2],波动区间较小,盘中没有出现明显的套利机会。 前一个交易日1404合约与1403合约基差波动区间为[-0.8,2.2],波动区间较小,盘中没有出现明显的套利机会。 隔夜跨期套利方面, 1403与1404两合约以及1403与1406两组合约之间波动区间较窄,无套利机会,暂观望。 Exibit 9: Spread between IF Front and CSI300 by Daily Source:Wind,Research Department of China Fortune Futures Exibit 10: Spread between 1404Contract and 1403 Contract by Minute Source:Wind,Research Department of China Fortune Futures Exibit11:Spread between IF 1406 and 1403 Contract by Minute Source:Wind,Research Department of China Fortune Futures Exibit 12 : Spread between different contracts Daily Source:Wind,Research Department of China Fortune Futures Index Futures Daily Report http://www.shhxqh.com Please check the last page for disclaimer 6 Exibit 13: Top 20 Weighted Stocks of CSI 300 Top 20 Component Stocks of CSI 300 by Weight Code Price Weight(%) Daily Change(%) Index Contribution Sector 601318 38.00 3.81 1.33 1.07 Financial 600036 10.02 3.48 0.00 0.00 Financial 600016 7.58 3.37 3.41 2.41 Financial 601166 9.17 2.17 0.99 0.45 Financial 600000