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Refer to last page for important disclosures. 1 H o n g K o n g 招股概略招股概略招股概略招股概略 巨匠建巨匠建巨匠建巨匠建设设设设集集集集团团团团股份有限公司股份有限公司股份有限公司股份有限公司 (1459) 发发发发行行行行数据数据数据数据 集集集集资额资额资额资额: 166.7至193.3百万港元 配售股份配售股份配售股份配售股份数数数数目目目目: 133,360,000股股份 价价价价格格格格: 1.25至1.45港元 每手股每手股每手股每手股数数数数: 2,000股股份 入入入入场费场费场费场费: 2,929.23港元 每股有形每股有形每股有形每股有形资产净资产净资产净资产净值值值值:::: 1.90至1.94港元 市值市值市值市值((((招股招股招股招股后后后后)))): 666.7至773.4百万港元 招股招股招股招股开开开开始始始始: 2015年12月30日 招股截止招股截止招股截止招股截止: 2016年1月5日 上市上市上市上市: 2016年1月12日 保保保保荐荐荐荐人人人人: 国泰君安融资 12月月月月31日止年度日止年度日止年度日止年度 人民人民人民人民币币币币千元千元千元千元 按年按年按年按年变动变动变动变动 收入 2013财政年度 4,072,105 24.5 2014财政年度 4,289,367 5.3 纯利 2013财政年度 60,422 30.3 2014财政年度 82,450 36.5 背景背景背景背景  根据益普索,按2014年的产值计,公司为浙江省嘉兴市最大的建筑公司,占有10.4%的市场份额。  于2014年4月,公司获得中国人民防空颁发的许可证,以生产人防产品,如防护门及保护阀等阻挡放射性物质、热辐射、有毒生物及化学剂以及高温的重型建筑相关结构。  截至2015年6月30日,公司为浙江省唯一同时拥有房屋建筑工程施工总承包企业特级资质及工程设计建筑行业甲级资质的公司。  截至2015年6月30日,公司持有122个手头项目,期末储备价格约人民币51亿元。 业务业务业务业务策略及未策略及未策略及未策略及未来计划来计划来计划来计划  公司的目标乃持续在浙江省以及中国其他省份和地区获得更大市场份额。  公司将善用其特级资质及工程设计资质为规模更大且复杂程度更高的建筑项目提供全方位的建筑解决方案。  公司将开拓承接BT及政府与社会资本合作(PPP)项目的业务机会。  公司将把握国际市场上的机会并积极参与海外建设及基础建设项目。 竞争优势竞争优势竞争优势竞争优势  公司乃浙江省嘉兴市最大的建筑公司,于浙江省及中国其他省份及地区的发展日益壮大。  公司能够利用特级资质及工程设计资质就其服务收取较高的费率并争取商机。  公司优质、及时及安全建筑工程承包服务的过往记录使其能够与长期客户建立稳定关系。  公司广获认可的品牌及声誉提升其赢得建筑项目及创造业务机会的能力。  公司拥有可提升其竞争力的先进技术及研发能力。 主要主要主要主要风险风险风险风险  中国(尤其是浙江省嘉兴市)的房地产行业和建筑行业衰退,以及国家或地方政策变化可能会对公司的业务造成影响。  公司的行业竞争激烈。  公司在正常业务过程中可能会被卷入申索及诉讼。 Refer to last page for important disclosures. 2 H o n g K o n g  估计成本与最终产生的实际成本之间出现任何重大差异均可能对公司的经营业绩造成影响。  公司可能未能于日后赢取新项目。  公司于截至2012年、2013年及2014年12月31日止年度及截至2015年6月30日止六个月拥有经营现金流出净额。 股息政策股息政策股息政策股息政策  无固定股息政策。 所得款所得款所得款所得款项项项项用途用途用途用途 (百百百百万万万万港元港元港元港元) 比重比重比重比重 (%) 新承接建筑项目的营运 109.1 65% 偿还银行贷款本金及利息 33.5 20% 投资新设备及机械 16.8 10% 一般公司用途 8.4 5% 合计 167.8 100% Refer to last page for important disclosures. 3 H o n g K o n g Disclosures/Disclaimers This report is prepared by UOB Kay Hian (Hong Kong) Limited (“UOBKHHK”), which is a licensed corporation providing securities brokerage and securities advisory services in Hong Kong. This report is provided for information only and is not an offer or a solicitation to deal in securities or to enter into any legal relations, nor an advice or a recommendation with respect to such securities. This report is prepared for general circulation. It does not have regard to the specific investment objectives, financial situation and the particular needs of any recipient hereof. Advice should be sought from a financial adviser regarding the suitability of the investment product, taking into account the specific investment objectives, financial situation or particular needs of any person in receipt of the recommendation, before the person makes a commitment to purchase the investment product. This report is confidential. This report may not be published, circulated, reproduced or distributed in whole or in part by any recipient of this report to any other person without the prior written consent of UOBKHHK. This report is not directed to or intended for distribution to or use by any person or any entity who is a citizen or resident of or located in any locality, state, country or any other jurisdiction as UOBKHHK may determine in its absolute discretion, where the distribution, publication, availability or use of this report would be contrary to applicable law or would subject UOBKHHK and its associates (as defined in the Securities and Futures Ordinance, Chapter 571 of Hong Kong) to any registration, licensing or other requirements within such jurisdiction. The information or views in the report (“Information”) has been obtained or derived from sources believed by UOBKHHK to be reliable. However, UOBKHHK makes no representation as to the accuracy or completeness of such sources or the Information and UOBKHHK accepts no liability whatsoever for any loss or damage arising from the use of or reliance on the Information. UOBKHHK and its associates may have issued other reports expressing views different from the Information and all views expressed in all reports of UOBKHHK and its associates are subject to change without notice. UOBKHHK reserves the right to act upon or use the Information at any time, including before its publication herein. Except as otherwise indicated below, (1) UOBKHHK, its associates and its officers, employees and representatives may, to the extent permitted by law, transact with, perform or provide broking, underwriting, corporate finance-related or other services for or solicit business from, the subject corporation(s) referred to in this report; (2) UOBKHHK, its associate and its officers, employees and representatives may also, to the extent permitted by law, transact with, perform or provide broking or other services for or solicit business fr